SAP Program RAANIA01 - XPRA report: Conversion of table ANIA, Rel. 2.1/2.2 to 3.0

The XPRA report RAANIA01 resets table ANIA for the changeover fromrelease 2.1/2.2 to 3.0. This table is needed for the simulation ofdepreciation for capital investment projects. The report modifies allthe records in the table that have a current number (LFDNR) '000' andwhere the distribution percentage rate (AUFPR) is also 0.
The report sets the distribution percentage rates for these ANIArecords to 100.00. If the ANIA record belongs to an order or a WBSelelment, the report also tries to determine the cost center (KOSTL)and the business area (GSBER) for the depreciation simulation for thisorder or WBS element. If this is not possible (for example, becausethe cost center is not maintained) then KOSTL and GSBER remainunchanged.