SAP Program RAABST02 - Reconcil. program FI-AA <-> G/L: List of accounts showing differences

The program selects the asset summary records (ANLC), summarizes thevalues on G/L account and business area levels, and writes thesummarized values to table EWUFIAASUM.
Then this table is read, and the values are reconciled with the G/Laccounts.
The following accounts are reconciled:

  • Balance sheet account APC

  • Balance sheet account down payments

  • Balance sheet account revaluation

  • Balance sheet account special items

  • Value adjustments ordinary depreciation

  • Value adjustments special depreciation

  • Value adjustments unplanned depreciation

  • Value adjustments transfer of reserves

  • Value adjustments revaluation of ordinary deprec.
  • When to run the report
    You should start the report before year-end closing.

    Special notes
    Start the report in the background only.
    Do not make any asset postings while the report is running.
    The user needs to have authorization for carrying out the year-endclosing in Asset Accounting for each of the company codes to bereconciled.


    • Table EWUFIAASUM

    • Description EWUFIAASUM
      • Message stating whether the program ran correctly or not, and error
      • messages if there were reconciliation differences.
        • Table EWUFI_BAL:

        • Entries are created in the table only if there are differences in oneor more accounts.
          Only entries in the table with TYPE 'AS' are relevant for this program.
          For the carrying forward of balances, period '0' is set for postingperiod POPER, and period '999' is set for the key date reconciliationfor posting period POPER.
          The relevant amounts are still those in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd localcurrency. The initial value always includes the value directlyfollowing the changeover in the G/L account. The final value stands forthe values that were selected from the FI-AA subsidiary ledger. Thedifference is the amount by which the account is different.
          If differences are found, deal with them per the instructions in note104567.

1070629FAQs: New general ledger migration
191485Final settlemt Inv.measure: AW605 aft.euro changeover
1354809FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE no values delivered for period 0
1114075Error w/ client copy due to table FAGLFLEXD
966770 Euro changeover programs / RAABST02 using NewGL
897025 Euro changeover programs / RAABST02 using NewGL
543151FAQ Note Reconciliation of FI <-> FI-AA
897388RAABST02: Messages MQ 555 & MQ 557 w/ new G/L accounting
81906Error analysis 1KEH,1KEI,1KEJ,1KEK
382548Composite note reconciliation Asset Accounting
321469RAEWUAFA: Line items incorrectly modified