SAP Program PRGN_COPY_T_RY_AGRS - SAP Note 156196: Copy T_ Roles and RY Roles

Copy T_ and RY roles

Activity groups are renamed during an upgrade to SAP R/3 4.5A orhigher.
The previous technical key is linked with the short text to form thenew activity group name.

See SAP Note 156196

Activity Groups were created before SAP R/3 4.5A.

As of SAP R/3 4.5A, the activity group names are 30 characters long.This means that the SAP standard namespace can be used for activitygroups. The standard customer namespace that allows all names that donot begin with the prefix "SAP" or with a namespace identifier(/.../)can, of course, also be used. The previous technical name of anactivity group, before SAP R/3 4.5A, was a numerical key, with whichthe use of the SAP standard namespace was not possible.
There are no disadvantages associated with the renaming, as theactivity group texts are retained, as is all of the data assigned tothe activity group(user assignments, menus, assignments ofauthorization profiles). The contents of the activity groups are notchanged by the renaming.
A frequently asked question is: How do I find an activity group afterit has been renamed, if I cannot select using the previous short text.
The answer to this is simple: The old short text is part of the newactivity group name. You can therefore search for this old short textin transactionPFCG by entering the short text for which you aresearching in the entry field (Activity group), with a "*" before andafter it, and then choose F4. The system then displays a list ofactivity groups that contain the short text in their key.
However, if you still want to rename the activity groups, the best wayto do so is as follows:
Create a transport request that contains all activity groups in the oldstatus and export it. If the following procedure does not produce asatisfactory result, you can restore the original state by importingthis transport request.

  • Then use this report to copy all activity groups that begin with "T_"
  • or "RY_" to a new name. The report places the latter (meaningful) partof the name in front of the technical part. If you check the checkboxon the selection screen, the technical part (for example, T_1234556) isleft out completely. However, this has the disadvantage that conflictscan occur far more frequently due to the non-uniqueness of the names,as the meaningful part of the name did not have to be unique under theold concept (before SAP R/3 4.5). It is therefore better to start thereport with the default settings.
    • If there are problems during the renaming, the copy is not created and
    • the system displays an error message. In this case, you should createthe copy manually (in transaction PFCG).

      • When the activity groups are copied, the associated profiles are not
      • yet generated. You can now use transaction SUPC to go to theauthorization data for the new activity groups, where you can assign anew name for the authorization profile (if desired) and generate theprofile.
        • If you want to use the same profile names for the copied activity
        • groups as those used for the original activity groups, read thedocumentation for the "DELSRC" parameter below.
          • You should then perform the user master comparison for the affected
          • activity groups, and, after a check of the new activity groups, you canthen delete the old activity groups. This must be done manually. Totransport the deletion, the activity groups must be entered in atransport request before the deletion.
            • The deletion can be performed automatically during the copy operation
            • using the parameter "DELSRC". For more information, please read theinput parameter documentation below. If you want to transport thedeletion, you must enter the activity groups (roles) that are to berenamed in a transport request before the renaming and export thistransport request after the renaming.


              • "NO_T_"

              • If this parameter is checked, the new name is assigned, as describedabove, with the technical part of the name left out, with thedisadvantages mentioned above.
                • "DERIVED"

                • If this parameter is checked, the new name is replaced in all derivedroles. The prerequisite for this is that the entire derivation clusteris converted in one operation.
                  • "DELSRC"

                  • If this parameter is checked, the copy source is deleted, as long asthe copy action was successfully performed. The deletion of activitygroups (roles) with derived roles (previously responsibilities) willonly work if the complete derivation cluster (the role with all derivedroles) was renamed in the same operation.
                    Note: Logged-on users of the source roles (with the names "T..." and"RY_....") lose their authorizations during this operation.
                    If the deletion of the original roles is to be transport, you mustenter these in a transport request before the operation, and thenexport the transport request after the deletion.
                    If the "DELSRC" parameter is checked and the original role wascorrectly deleted, the profile name of the old role is automaticallyused as the profile name of the new role. You can then generate theprofile using transction "SUPC".