Conversion of Run Schedule Headers and Dependent Objects

This XPRA is necessary if you use Repetitive Manufacturing with runschedule headers.
Thse use of run schedule headers is no longer necessary from Release4.6A. The production version is replacing the run schedule header asthe central object in repetitive manufacturing. The run schedule headerwas an object mainly containing data from the production version.

Also affected by this XPRA are the areas CO-PC and QM as these areascontain objects that depend on the run schedule header. These objects(inspection lots, physical-sample drawings and reporting points) haveto be converted when a run schedule header is replaced by thecorresponding production version.

Run schedule headers are not allowed to overlap otherwise the XPRA willnot function correctly. This was still possible in Release 2.2.Overlapping run schedule headers generally cause inconsistencies. Youhave to deal with this before starting the XPRA.
The run schedule header valid on the day of the put is theauthoratitive object. Its reporting points are converted. If no validrun schedule header currently exists, you must recalculate the productcost collector after the put so that the respective reporting pointsare created.

Exactly one run schedule header is converted. The correspondingproduction version takes its place. Run schedule headers lying in thepast are not taken into consideration. You can also continue to executepostings for them as long as they are not completed. You have toexecute a special procedure for run schedule headers that lie in thefuture - especially if they were already posted (please refer to theexamples at the end of this documentation).

A current, valid run schedule header exists at the time of the put.This run schedule header is the authoratitive object. It is replaced bythe corresponding production version. Any existing reporting pointfiles, inspection lots and physical-sample drawings are converted sothat they refer to the production version. The link between theoriginal run schedule header is lost.
Run schedule headers that lie completely in the past at the time of theput are not taken into account by the XPRA. As long as they are not yetcompleted, you can continue posting to these run schedule headers. Youcan no longer change the run schedule headers. You can only set thedeletion indictor.
Run schedule headers that lie in the future at the time of the put arenot taken into account by the XPRA. THe XPRA log contains appropriatemessages on how to deal with these run schedule headers. If these runschedule headers have already been posted you will have to reprocessthem.

546736PPREM_XPRA_NO_RSH: Very long runtime
527222Reports for deleting run schedule headers