The XPRA consists of five parts:
1. Conversions in Product Structure Area
The entries PVS variant (COL): Color attributes in table PVCOL areconverted in table PCOLMR (master record color key). In the newreleases, the color code is checked in the new color key table.
2. Conversions in Process Structure Area
Changes to field HISTFLG in table PALTID, if the relevant PAMODD ismaintained with change statuses. In this case, the History indicatormust be set to TRUE.
Changes to the time analysis values in table PAMODD. The values 3 and 4are converted into the values 1 and 2.
Determine activity types. These are blank in the older releases. Thesystem interprets the activity types as production or setup using thevalues maintained in the fields DURVAR, CRQVAR, DURFIX, and CRQFIX. Thevalues of these fields are the converted into the fields DURATION,DURATION_FIX, CAPREQ, CAPREQFIX. The values in fields RESUID DURATION,DURATION_FIX, CAPREQ, and CAPREQFIX are converted.
3. Conversions in Factory Layout Area
The name of the individual line balance is checked to see if the namecontains SPACE. If yes, SPACE must be replaced by an underscore.
4. Conversions in Workbench Area
Mapping of the profile ID from old profiles to new profiles. The oldprofiles are renamed and their usage is updated in the other tables.

The following errors can occur in all areas during conversion. Allpossible problems, their causes, meaning, and follow-up actions aredescribed in detail.
1. A database error occurred when updating a table
The database changes could not or only partially be made due to databaseerrors. Therefore, you cannot use the data during processing.
Correct the database errors and start the report again manually. No moreerrors should occur.
2. The proxy object for the APO resource could not be created.
The system could not create the proxy object when converting the APOresource from DI 46C.1. The iPPE resource nodes are also not created.The most important conversion for the factory layout is therefore notcarried out.
Check why the proxy object could not be inserted. Correct the databaseerrors and start the report again manually. No more errors shouldoccur. If the error occurs again, create a problem message under thecomponent LO-MD-PPE-FLO.
3. The created iPPE node has no application data.
You have started the XPRA program PPE_XPRA_AUTO20_ECC_DIMP500. In thisconversion program, the system converts the APO resources into proxyobjects and iPPE resource nodes. This error message appears if there aredata inconsistencies that occur when an APO resource is converted. Thesystem could not completely create the resource nodes.
Correct the database errors and start the report again manually. No moreerrors should occur. If the error occurs again, create a problem messageunder component LO-MD-PPE-FLO.
The data inconsistencies can be analyzed and corrected with the programPNRES_CONSISTENCY_CHECK. Details about the program are included in theprogram as comments.
4. No iPPE resource data was found for the created proxy object.
The system has generated the proxy object from the DI 46C.1 APOresource. However, the iPPE resource node could not be created. Yourdata is now incomplete. This error occurs when there are problems withthe database.
Correct the database errors and start the report again manually. No moreerrors should occur. If problems continue to occur, create a problemmessage under component LO-MD-PPE-FLO.
5. The GUID of the APO resource in table PAMODD or PAMODC cannot beconverted.
You have started the XPRA PPE_XPRA_AUTO20_ECC_DIMP500. When the modedata are upgraded, the values of field RESUID (character 22) areconverted into the field PNGUID (character 16). The error messageappears when the GUID is not converted successfully.
The conversion is carried out, but information about the usage of theAPO resource in the activity mode is lost.
This error is not likely to occur. The usage of the APO resource in themodes must be checked. You can also create a problem message undercomponent LO-MD-PPE_FLO.
12. The EPRA PPE_XPRA_AUTO20_ECC_DIMP500 is not relevant to the currentstart release.
You have started the XPRA PPE_XPRA_AUTO20_ECC_DIMP500. This programcontains the conversions from tables that only exist in the DI release4.6C1, DI release 4.6C2, DIMP release 4.71 and ECC-DIMP release 500.They are not included in an upgrade process with one of theabove-mentioned start releases.
The system does not execute the XPRA programPPE_XPRA_AUTO20_ECC_DIMP500.