SAP Program PPC_CONF_POST_PROC - Postprocessing Program for Archiving Object PPC_CONF

Postprocessing Program for Archiving Object PP_CONF

The postprocessing program deletes data from the database tables for DIBackflush in the ERP system. In the case of this data, it cannot bedetermined definitely after the archiving whether it can be deleted.This data has a master data character. To determine whether this datacan be deleted, it is necessary to perform extensive checks. The systemperforms these checks and any resulting deletions in the postprocessingprogram so that the archiving program and the actual deletion programare not slowed down.

The postprocessing program should run after the archiving program(PPC_CONF_ARCH_WRI) and the deletion program (PPC_CONF_ARCH_DEL) and youshould schedule it regularly. It can run much less frequently than thearchiving program and the deletion program.

The postprocessing program can remove excess data with a master datacharacter from the system only if the movement data for the backflush isarchived and deleted regularly. You cannot therefore use thepostprocessing program alone to reduce the amount of data in the system.


The postprocessing program checks whether the data with movement datacharacteristics still exists for the data with master datacharacteristics. If this is not the case, the system deletes the datawith master data characteristics. Locks must be set because these checksand the deletion work against the checking and writing of data for thebackflush. This may mean that a backflush cannot be posted while thepostprocessing program is running. The lock concept used keeps the locktimes as short as possible. In addition, there can be competingaccesses. It is recommended therefore that you run the postprocessingprogram at a time when no or significantly fewer backflushes than usualare posted.
The postprocessing program, among others, deletes data from thefollowing tables:
PPC_ORD_INF (order information)
PPC_MAT (material information)
PPC_MAT_DET (material account assignment information)
PPC_ACT (activity information (resources))
PPC_RP_VERS (reporting point structure versions)