SAP Program PPC_CONF_ARCH_DEL - Deletion Program for Archiving Object PP_CONF

Deletion Program for Archiving Object PP_CONF

You use this deletion program to delete data that has already beenarchived from the database. You cannot delete data from the databaseunless this data has already been archived.

You use this deletion program for archive data that has been created bythe write program (PPC_CONF_ARCH_WRI) of archiving object PP_CONF.

Before you can use this program to delete the contents of databasetables, the data to be deleted must have been stored in archive files.To do this, use the archiving program of archiving object PP_CONF.


When using the deletion program, you can set whether the deletion is tobe performed in test mode. No data is actually deleted from the databasein test mode. The statistics at the end of this test run show you howmany records from which database tables would be deleted if this was nota test.

Access transaction SARA to use the deletion program. In the next screen,you can choose whether the deletion program is to run in test mode. Thesystem then deletes the data that is stored in the archive filesselected from the database.
The deletion program does not delete all data contained in the archivefiles. This is because the system checks some of these files todetermine whether the corresponding data is needed by other data. Thesechecks and the deletions resulting from them are moved to thepostprocessing program (PPC_CONF_POST_PROC) so that the deletion programis not slowed down.
This deletion program deletes data from the following tables:
PPC_HEAD (backflush header)
PPC_SCRAP (scrap information)
PPC_CONF_MAT (backflushed materials)
PPC_CONF_MAT_VAR (backflushed materials (variances))
PPC_CONF_ACT (backflushed activities)
PPC_CONF_ACT_VAR (backflushed activities (variances))