SAP Program POWL_D01 - Delete Queries from Database

This report deletes derived or user defined POWL queries from the cache,based on application ID, and/ or user. This report is intended mainlyfor POWL developers and system administrators to delete any existingquery cache.
It performs the following operations:

  • Display user defined queries based on application ID and/ or user

  • Delete the user defined queries or derived admin queries

  • Delete relevant query personalization
  • Selection
    You enter an application ID, and/ or user. The report runs a checkmatching this selection and displays the corresponding list of queries.
    Additionally, you can also decide if you want to display the results ofyour selection, or delete them. The Display Only checkbox is usedfor this purpose.

    The output of this report provides the following options:

    • Display list of queries with query ID, POWL type, and GUID

    • Delete one or more queries based on your selection

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