SAP Program PCATALOG - Input Files for the Jav Applet from the IAC Availablity Information

This report creates files containing availablilty information for theInternet Application Component (IAC).
In this IAC materials are selected via a Java Applet which displays aproduct catalog.
The Java-Applet reads the necessary information from two files on theWeb server. These two files, one with the product areas and anotherwith the basic product data can be created using PCATALOG werden.
The path and filename of an output file is given in each of the firsttwo parameters. The files are created at the frontend, not on theapplication server.
The next two parameters, medium and layout, are determined in the datasource.
The output files contain texts about the product areas and products.The language parameter determines the language in which the texts willbe downloaded. You can decide via the radio button whether to use theshort texts or the headers from the advertising medium.