SAP Program N1_MIGPRG - Program N1_MIGPRG


Important Notes:

  • Before running this report in production mode, it is essential to
  • import patch 2 and all relevant SAP Notes.
    • In the course of the upgrade, the existing preregistration types are
    • automatically migrated to corresponding order types. Do not modify theseprior to running the report.
      • You can run this report at your convenience without having to
      • interrupt normal operation.
        • The report can be restarted.
        • Execution:
          ,,In the menu, choose System -> Services -> Reporting
          ,,Enter the name of the report, and then choose Execute. Theselection screen appears with the following fields:

          • VKGIDIN

          • ,,VKGID (preregistration ID) or start of interval for the preregistationto be migrated.
            • VKGIDMX

            • ,,End of interval for the preregistration to be migrated.
              • TESTONLY (checkbox)

              • Test/actual migration
                • ALLVKGS (checkbox)

                • ,,All preregistrations (overrides VKGIDIN,VKGIDMX)
                  • SHSTORN (checkbox)

                  • ,,Display canceled preregistrations (that are not migrated) in themigration log
                    Make your selection and confirm it by pressing F8.

                    Recommended Procedure:
                    First run the report in test mode. The report outputs a log containingall of the preregistrations that could not be migrated (mainly due toinconsistencies in the original data). Take necessary actions to correctthe data records concerned.
                    If necessary, run the report in test mode again and check whether thecorrected data records can now be migrated.
                    After completing corrective action, run the report in production mode. Acorresponding log is output.
                    Original data records that still contain errors are identified by"@#NOK#@" in the STUSR field.
                    You can further process these data records. Delete the entry in STUSRand run the migration report again in test or production mode. Thesystem tries to migrate the remaining preregistrations.

                    Runtime/Memory Requirements:
                    Depending on response times, approximately 120-150 preregistrations canbe migrated per minute. Since this generally means that the defaultruntime for dialog applications is exceeded, we recommend that you startthe report as a background application. The program reservesapproximately 5 kB of main memory for each preregistration to bemigrated, i.e. 5 MB/1000 preregistrations. Make sure that the generalsystem load allows the report to reserve this memory. If this is not thecase, migrate the preregistations in appropriate portions (not inparallel, since otherwise the usual locks may occur, for example"Patient Locked").

                    Effects on Dataset
                    Non-canceled preregistrations are converted into clinical orders on thebasis of the old data.
                    A clinical order with one item (admission or treatment) or two items(admission and treatment) is created for each existing preregistration.The original data essentially remains unchanged. Appointments, servicesand movements are exceptions. The original data for these is"reassigned" to the new order or the respective order items.


                    • Import patch 2

                    • Import current SAP Notes

                    • Correct source data, if necessary.

990227Clin order: Migration report N1_MIGPRG - Error Messages
839054Clin.Order/Prereg.: Migration - Context Data Correction
751753IS-H*MED: Correction Reports after Migration Execution