SAP Program MSEIDOC2 - IDoc Statistics

The current status is evaluated of an IDoc which was changed in thespecified selection period (date and time). The time interval specifiedrestricts the selection for each day in the day interval.
You can choose between the following statistics evaluations: Standard,extended selection, and error history. In the last two evaluations,further selection criteria can be specified. There are also variousformatting options for the extended selection.
It is also possible to branch to a detailed list from the statisticsscreen using the Choose function.

Appropriate IDocs must be available in the specified selection period.

The result is a statistics table with different status areas and therelated counter readings. IDocs whose current status cannot be assignedare displayed in the appropriate counter field when they occur.
If you branch to a detailed list, the individual IDocs are shown in alist. The criteria specified at the start (e.g. change time interval)apply as well as the selected criteria of the status area (e.g. allIntermediate Documents in outbound processing).

You enter the following criteria for the standard selection:
Change date,,,,Change time
from 04.11.1994,,,,from 14.00
to 05.11.1994,,,,to 15:00
From 04.11.1994 to 05.11.1994 between 14:00 and 15:00, the IDocsavailable whose status changed in the specified period were evaluatedand counted in the various status areas. The list could appear asfollows:
IDocs in total 55
Outbound 15 Inbound 40
- Generated 5 - Generated 10
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