Title Purpose Integration
If more than 0,1% of the entries are missing, you must implementprogram MGVERSXPRA1. For example a maximum of 3 entries in tableMATERIALID and 3000 entries in table MARA. This restriction is necessar y because the program does not permit mass data processing in thedialog. The field MATNR_EXT must be manually entered for each material. Do not change the tolerance value of 0,1%. If you change this value,SAP takes no responsibility for the consequences and long processingtime that may result under certain circumstances. To change the tolerance value, you can reset the NO-DISPLAY addition inthe PTOLER parameter. Prerequisites Features For the consistency check of table MARA - including the subsequentrepair of the table MATERIALID and recording of missing entries ifnecessary - the program requires approximately 5 minutes to process100,000 MARA materials in the corresponding development systems at SAP.The majority of the time is required for the program to read table MARAand not for the repair of MATERIALID data. All materials that can be repaired automatically, are repairedimmediately by the program. For those materials that require anexternal material number (MATERIALID-MATNR_EXT) to be entered manually,(only applicable for long material numbers), the run time increases bythe length of the input time. Before the system requires such an entry,a repair that has already taken place (if this was possible for somematerials) will be posted. These entries do not, therefore, have to becalled again should the program be suspended. After each successful entry of an external material number(MATERIALID-MATNR_EXT), the entry in table MATERIALID is postedimmediately, so that the program can also be suspended and then calledagain. By doing this, not one external material number entry is lost. For the consistency check of table MATERIALID - including thesubsequent repair and deletion of unnecessary entries in tableMATERIALID if necessary, the program requires approximately 150 secondsto process 100,000 MATERIALID entries in the corresponding developmentsystems at SAP. Selection Here you can enter a selection of material numbers. As the program candetermine the missing materials in their entirety and automaticallyrepair them, we do not advise making a selection at this point. In contrast to program MGVERSXPRA1, the program only makes changes inthose places where they are necessary and we do not thereforeanticipate any run time problems. The program only considers those materials in your login client. The program reads table MARA and checks whether all material numbers intable MARA (MARA-MATNR) exist in table MATERIALID. The programgenerates an entry in table MATERIALID for all entries that exist intable MARA, but do not appear in table MATERIALID. The program reads table MATERIALID and checks, whether all materialnumbers in table MATERIALID (MATNR_INT) exist in table MARA. Theprogram deletes every entry in table MATERIALID for which there is nocorresponding entry in table MARA. If you have set this indicator, the program works as described above.No changes are made to the data base. The word (SIMULATION) appears inthe top left corner of the output log. |
735529 | FAQ: DIMP/DI long material number and MPN |