SAP Program J_7LLOG_ANALYSER - Analysis of Declaration Log File

This report supports the analysis of the log file for the declarationthat is created by the period data collector or the assortment datacollector in the REA Declaration System. Based on theentries in the log file, you can display an interactive list, create aworkflow event, or start a workflow.
Using the report with workflows is only possible when called fromoutside the SAP Easy Access menu, for example, in the ABAP Editor(transaction SE38).

Authorization for the authorization object
To use the workflow, you must have activated workflow integration inREA Customizing and set up appropriate workflows. IfCustomizing is missing, the selection boxes for workflow are notvisible.

The multiple selection via the document numbers of theREA declaration is used to select the declarations whose log file isto be analyzed.
The dynpro group Messages to Be Included allows you to filter themessages by message number (message class) that you want to seein the analysis. You can display the message long text via the fieldhelp. The pushbuttons help you to select or deselect all.
The dynpro group Processing of Result As... specifies what is tohappen to the result of the analysis. If the report is called from theSAP Easy Access menu, only the Sales Unit When Creating field isvisible in this dynpro group and an interactive list is alwaysdisplayed.
If new REA articles are to be created, a sales unit must be defined as adefault in the field Sales Unit When Creating.
In the standard system, the system generates as the result aninteractive list that you can use as follows:

  • @0Y@ key: Create Missing Master Data

  • @0Z@ key: Change Existing Master Data

  • @10@ key: Display Existing Master Data

  • @38@ key: Run a Consistency Check for Existing Master Data

  • @DH@ key: Display Declarations that Led to Entry

  • The selection box Workflow Event Inconsistent means that theevent IsInconsistent is created for all master data in theresult.
    The selection box Execute Workflow means that the workflow in thefield Task is created for all master data in the result.

    The interactive list contains the keys of the REA master data and acolumn that indicates a REA packaging and a column (New Entry)that indicates that a REA master data record is missing.
    If Workflow Event Inconsistent or Execute Workflow isselected in online mode, a transient SAP application log displays anerror log for the activities executed in a modal window. If the reportis run in the background, any errors that occur are found in the joblog.

    Use this report to derive work steps interactively or in the backgroundfrom the log for a declaration.