Purpose The print program J_3RVTTN is designed for screen / printer output ofinformation on the transportation document - the T-1"Good-transportation note" standard form used for Russian Federation.The program works together with the Smartform J_3RF_TTN. Output type customizing output type To print out correctly, create your own output type or use the existingtype. Menu path: Customizing R/3: SAP Reference IMG: Logistics Execution -->Transportation --> Basic Transportation Functions --> Output Control -->Maintain Output Determination for Shipments. Assign the program and corresponding form to this output type in theMaintain output type --> "Processing routines" section. Example Outp Name Med Program FORM routine SmartForm CMRR Good-Transp. 1 Printer J_3RVTTN ENTRY J_3RF_TTN note Restrictions to the calculation procedure Subtotals are used for storing calculated condition values for eachorder item. Upon printing a slip, amounts are taken from the order sincethe delivery document doesn't have pricing. The print program translatesstored amounts in accordance with the following ratio: order unit ofmeasure/delivery unit of measure. In the "Definition and assignment ofcalculation procedures" customizing section for your procedure, checkthe correspondence of subtotal numbers for the following condition types(in the "Subtotals" column): Value Subtotal Total without VAT 3 (vbap-kzwi3) VAT amount 5 (vbap-kzwi5) Total including VAT 4 (vbap-kzwi4) Adjustment of the "Currency code check" section To correctly convert amounts into the amount in words without specifyingthe currency, it is necessary to enter a dummy currency with with theZCURR code in the "Currency code check" customizing section. The "ISOcode" and "Alternative code" fields should be left blank in the recordfor this currency. Output To create a transportation output, create a description of an output forthe particular document in the "Change transportation document" (VT02Ntransaction). Menu path: GoTo --> Output The same transaction is used for printing the note. Menu path: Shipment --> Output |