SAP Program J_3RVTTN_PDF - Goods issue - transportation note print (T-1)

The print program J_3RVTTN is designed for screen / printer output ofinformation on the transportation document - the T-1"Good-transportation note" standard form used for Russian Federation.The program works together with the Smartform J_3RF_TTN.

Output type customizing output type
To print out correctly, create your own output type or use the existingtype.
Menu path: Customizing R/3: SAP Reference IMG: Logistics Execution -->Transportation --> Basic Transportation Functions --> Output Control -->Maintain Output Determination for Shipments.
Assign the program and corresponding form to this output type in theMaintain output type --> "Processing routines" section.
Outp Name Med Program FORM routine SmartForm
CMRR Good-Transp. 1 Printer J_3RVTTN ENTRY J_3RF_TTN

Restrictions to the calculation procedure
Subtotals are used for storing calculated condition values for eachorder item. Upon printing a slip, amounts are taken from the order sincethe delivery document doesn't have pricing. The print program translatesstored amounts in accordance with the following ratio: order unit ofmeasure/delivery unit of measure. In the "Definition and assignment ofcalculation procedures" customizing section for your procedure, checkthe correspondence of subtotal numbers for the following condition types(in the "Subtotals" column):
Value Subtotal
Total without VAT 3 (vbap-kzwi3)
VAT amount 5 (vbap-kzwi5)
Total including VAT 4 (vbap-kzwi4)

Adjustment of the "Currency code check" section
To correctly convert amounts into the amount in words without specifyingthe currency, it is necessary to enter a dummy currency with with theZCURR code in the "Currency code check" customizing section. The "ISOcode" and "Alternative code" fields should be left blank in the recordfor this currency.

To create a transportation output, create a description of an output forthe particular document in the "Change transportation document" (VT02Ntransaction).
Menu path:
GoTo --> Output
The same transaction is used for printing the note.
Menu path: Shipment --> Output