SAP Program J_3RMOBVED - Stock Overview (Russia)

The program is intended for material valuated stocks and theirs movementshow from the point of view of:
The report shows valuated stock types:

  • unrestricted-use

  • in transfer from one storage location to another

  • in quality inspection

  • blocked

  • special valuated

  • in transit (plant - plant)

  • restricted-use
  • Special ctock.
    The report shows five special (valuated) stock types.

    • W - consignment stock at customer

    • V - returnable packaging at customer

    • E - stock for customer orders

    • Q - project stock

    • O - part provided vendor

    • Special stocks of types W, V, O is show on storage with #### descriptor.

      Residence place.
      Is show for special stock only. Its my be:

      • vendor,

      • customer,

      • WBS element,

      • customer order.
      • Algorithm
        Stock value and quantity are calculated by the report. The balance atthe beginning and end of the period is calculated by backward deductingturnovers from the current date value.
        Value of a storage location stock at the beginning of the periodis calculated by means of division the total stock value in terms ofvaluation type into the material stock quantity at the beginning periodof the plant.
        Value of a storage location stock at the end of the period iscalculated by means of division the total stock value in terms ofvaluation type into the material stock quantity at the end period of theplant.
        If it happens a stock value of the even-numbered quantity is representedby an odd number, or when the material of the odd value has beendistributed to an even number of storage locations. in this casedivergence is possible between the storage location stock value at thebeginning of the period and the storage location stock value at the endof the preceding period during the calculation.
        Since the stock value can variate at the PLANT level, totals of stockrevaluation documents will be calculated and distributed to storagelocations in accordance with the following algorithm:
        Determination the storage location stock quantity available at theperiod start.
        Calculated value is proportional to the quantity of the storagelocationmaterial stock. Here rounding errors are possible but they canbe corrected applying standard mathematical rules. If the total ofstorage location material values is not equal to the material value ofthe valuation type, a storage location with the maximum materialquantity available at the period start is determined. The stock value ofthis storage location is corrected in such a way so that the sum of thematerial value for storage location is equal to the material stockvalueof the valuation type.
        It is possible, that material on one of factories warehouse iscapitalization with price, differenced from factory material price.Price of a similar material in other warehouses also will change. Inthis case in report on each warehouse you see the amounts, whichadjusted this material price with according to a factory price.
        When material is transferred without any accounting documents created,rounding errors (corrected later) on the calculation of the transferredstock value are also possible.
        The material stock value at the period end is calculated in a usual way:the period-end balance is equal to the period-start balance plusmaterial receipt minus expenses (in accordance with movement documents).

        Stock in transfer and two-step moving specificity show in the report.
        Should take into account, the R/3 system creates documents for two-stepmoving in the following way:
        For issue from plant sender the system creates three documents

        • Issue material document;

        • Issue financial document for plant sender;

        • Delivery financial document for plant recipient.

        • Transaction dates these three documents are coincided. After thisdelivery document for plant recipient is created without financialdocument. At that the transaction date can be not equal the deliveryfinancial document transaction date. It possible can be arbitrarycorrelation issue and delivery events:
          • one issue event and one delivery event;

          • one issue event and some delivery events;

          • some issue events and one delivery event;

          • some issue events and some delivery event.

          • Two-step movings are possible as with reference to transfer order (351and 101 moving type), as without reference to transfer order (forexample 303 and 305 moving type).
            If it happens in the R/3 system exist stock in transfer in current date,the report show two-step moving with '####' out of pseudo-storagewarehose identifier for plant recipient, of course if two-step movingwere in the slection-screen defined period.
            If it happens in the R/3 system doesn't exist stock in transfer incurrent date, the report doesn't show two-step movings, even if theirswere in the slection-screen defined period.
            Issue events from plant sender are shown in the report for out of palntrecipient out of pseude-storage warehouse as transfer stock intransit i.e. issue material document for plant sender is also shown forpalnt recipient out of pseude-storage warehouse as deliverydocument in transit. Financial document is shown for the out of
            pseude-storage warehouse as extension value document in transit.
            Delivery events for target storage warehouse of plant are also shown inthe report as issue documents for out of pseude-storagewarehouse.
            If transfer stok is made with reference to transfer order, for outof pseude-storage warehouse and for target warehouse are shown samedocuments, for out of pseude-storage warehouse these are issuedocuments but for target storage warehouse these are deliverydocuments.
            If issue document date is out of selection-screen parameters range anddelivery document date within selection-screen parameters range thereport show cost increase financial document for target plant.
            If transfer stok is made with reference to transfer order, the reportdoesn't show financial document number for targets storage warehouse,but show cost of transfer stock which is calculated. Same is showntransfer for out of pseude-storage warehouse.

            For a possibility of account of cost of a stock in a warehouse on anyany date, it is necessary to ensure consecutive data data input inSystem, according to date of posting.
            The report will not be work correctly, if in you system usedsummarization accounting documents.

            The report is prepared by means of ABAP LIST VIEWER. Use its standardfunctions to get various displays of received data includingcalculations of subtotals. In case of any alteration of the reportrepresentation, it is recommended to save its settings as a reportvariant.
            The variant of the report depend on "Material movement documents"option. Variant was created with specified option cannot be accessiblefor use without this option.
            The report is available in two modes:

            Material movement documents
            A two-level hierarchical list is displayed in the output screen when theindicator is activate.
            If the indicator is off, the data is output as a single-level two-rowlist. Second level rows display total material movement turnovers.
            The "Account assignment" field can display various information dependingon the movement type and document category.
            G/L - G/L account
            PuOr - Purchase order number
            OrdN - Order nomer
            CuOr - Customer order nomer
            Pln. - Receiving plant / Issuing plant
            Pric - moving average price correction sum
            Cust - Customer account number
            Vend - Vendor account number
            AA - Main asset number
            CCt - Cost center
            WBS - work breakdown structure element
            Strg - Storage location
            Chrg - Batch

            Non-movement materials
            If the option is not activated, the report displays only thosematerialsthat have remaining quantities and/or movement during thereporting period.
            If the indicator is activated, the output list contains all materialschosen on the selection screen.

            Correcting documents
            Setting this option affects the output of correcting documents andcorrecting business volume values in the report. The following reportoptions are available:
            If the "Correcting documents" and "Material movement documents" optionsare not activated, the quantities and values on reversal and cancelabledocuments are not included in the business volume value.
            If the "Material movement documents" option is activated and the"Correcting documents" option - deactivated, the reversal and cancelabledocuments aren't displayed in the report.
            If the "Correcting documents" option is activated and the "Materialmovement documents" option - deactivated, the quantities and values onreversal and cancelable documents aren't included in the business volumevalue.
            If both "Correcting documents" and "Material movement documents" optionsare activated, the correcting documents are included in the list andhighlighted with yellow color. reversal and cancelable turnovers aren'tincluded in the business volume value.
            This option govern processing two correction documents types: materialdocuments and invoices. If canceled or reversal document posting date isout of select-option range, in this case these documents are shownwithout the special option.
            The report will not be show in special mode reversal for reversaldocuments. I.e. should not reverse a reversed document, but create ausual document, otherwise reverse for reversed documents will not beshow in special mode.

            Price change: separately graph
            It happens that on one of warehouses will be debit of material whichprice is not equal to moving average price on a factory or invoice withother material price. This price different amount from material priceisnecessary to rundown stock balancing for similar material in allwarehouses of factory.
            The program in this case created in report a separate line on eachwarehouse. The distribution amount settled automatically according toanalyzed material quantity and is allocated on all warehouses. Thedistributed amount sign (+/-) shows, is the total costs of thismaterialon warehouse increased or decreases. The operation coursecontent is showed under column "Assignment".
            If the indicator is not activated, materials price different amountsareshowed under column "DebitAmount".
            If the indicator is activated, materials price different amounts areshowed under separate column "Supplementary value".

            Additional features
            To view additional information, choose the desired item
            the "Stock overview: plant/storage location/batch" report from the"material number" item (transaction MMBE)
            material document from the "material document number" item
            accounting document from the "accounting document number" item
            sales order
            purchase order
            work breakdown structure element

            Options to keep / receive the report from a database.
            If the option "Keep report in database" is active our report is kept inthe databases table "INDX" with the key "IM". That report can be usedoperatively for the further analysis.
            The storing is possible on two vevels:
            on a plant level
            on a company code + GL account level
            In both cases storing is possible only for one period (month).
            Preservation is made strictly on a plant and period (month) for all fouroptions combinations of the selection screen separately.
            At the data saving in database two options of the selection screen areconsideration: "Show corrective documents" and "Price change: separatecolumn"
            If on the selection screen:
            more, than one value into field "Plant" are entered
            more than one value into fields "Company code" and "GL account"
            calculation period more, than one month
            you see a warning message and those fields are corrected automatically.
            You can looking the report again, pressed a button "F8" if the basicfields contents are not changed.
            Repeated calculation also will not be carried out, if you only fields "View variant (format) " and / or options "Material movement documents "have changed.

            SAP extension.
            In programm is included BADI /CCIS/IF_EX_SCMIM_ENH. The BADI allow makeown riport format.

            The report displays material revaluation documents (of the invoice) thatalter the material value. Revaluation is performed at the plant level,the total of this document is distributed to storage locationsinproportion to the quantity of material available at the revaluationdateRevalua total of all revaluation items displayed in the report ondifferent storage locations is equal to the total of the accountingrevaluation document.
            Output of material prior to revaluation
            Material Storage location Qty Start value End value
            M001 001 1 20,19 20,19
            M001 002 1 20,18 20,18
            Plant total: 40,37 (2 pieces)
            Output of material after revaluation
            Material Storage location Qty Start value End value
            M001 001 1 20,19 20,19
            Revaluation document Receipt:0,01
            M001 002 1 20,18 20,18
            Revaluation document Receipt:0,01
            Plant total: 40,39 (2 pieces)

            If the non-unique indexes for following tables are activated, processingoccurs faster.
            Table Fields
            MARD MANDT, WERKS
            MBEW MANDT, BWKEY
            EBEW MANDT, BWKEY
            QBEW MANDT, BWKEY
            MCHA MANDT, WERKS
            MCHB MANDT, WERKS
            MKPF MANDT, XBLNR
            The report settlement time is reduced, if:
            on the selection screen restrictions under the materials list, plantsand / or valuation type are entered,
            reports period is not far to the current date,
            analyzed material is only in one warehouse and this warehouse is chosenon the selection screen.

            You should also make usage of the note 114716 for databse Oracle.

            Authority objects
            The following authorization objects are checked in the program:

            • J_3RM_WRTB - Writing result of the report to database

            • M_MATE_WRK - Material Master: Plants

            • F_BKPF_BUK - Accounting Document: Authorization for Company Codes
            • Note
              The report calculate stock and value by backward deducting turnoversfrom the current date value. If a material stock or value is changedduring the report work, it locks master record of the material,recalculate steock and vluae and unlocks the record. Lock method allowsto avoid result mistakes in the report if material changing during theprogram work.