SAP Program J_3RF_INV_A - Print Program for FI VAT Invoice (Russia)

The program J_3RVPF2 is designed for display/type-out of information oninvoice documents taken from FI Financial Accounting module and oncustomer down payments - in the form of invoice document generated inaccordance with the legislation.
The program works with the J_3RVINVOICE form for Russia, and theJ_4KVINVOICE form - for Kazakhstan.
Forms provided in the standard delivery can be copied and adjusted tospecial customer needs.

The program automatically retrieves information from the company codedata, customer master record, accounting billing document for FIFinancial Accounting module, and from material master record.
To ensure correct functioning of the program in FI Financial Accountingmodule documents, each invoice item should have a certain tax code.

Customizing the correspondence type
Make correspondence customizing for the program and used forms. Theform, printer, the "X" correspondence trigger and a correspondence typeare specified upon creation of a program variant.
Menu path: Customizing R/3: IMG -> Financial Accounting -> FinancialAccounting Global Settings -> Correspondence
Entries are made for all company codes (without specifying CC) orexplicitly, for separate company codes.

Defining forms
It is necessary to define and activate forms.
To display a form, use the SE71 Form Painter transaction, and if thereis no form in the given client, it can be copied from some other client(Menu -> Utilities -> Copy client). Translating a form into otherlanguages is performed via the transaction SE63.

Example of customizing the correspondence
1. Defining a correspondence type:
SAPR3 FI invoice
2. Assigning programms for correspondence types:
CoCd Corr. Program Variant
3. Assigning forms to the correspondence:
CoCd Program Form
4. Determining call-up functions:
CoCd Correspondence type DocEnt Pmnt DocDsp AccDsp
0001 SAPR3 FI invoice X X X

Fields filling rules
Upon creation of the invoice document, additional information isentered in the following way:
Field Definition
Addition Data from the Document header text field
Material description Invoice for sales
- information related to the material number,
or (in case there is no record of this kind)
the text field of the sales account, items
0-32, or the Long text field
Invoice for advance payment:
- the text field of the customer line item,
or the Long text field (it is necessary to
describe the reason for the advance payment:
"Down payment for materials.." or "Advance
payment against..")
Country of origin Material master record or (in case there is
no record of the kind) the text field of the
sales account, items 35-50
Customs number (GTD) The Reference key 3 field
Ship-to party Plant address data or the dash if there is no
plant data
For payment and account For displaying information, "long" texts
documents generated as "Confirming documents" and
"Document date (of)" (the BELEG text object
with IDs 1004 and 1005 correspondingly) are

Untaxable transactions
If the VAT code for transactions exempt from taxation is used in theinvoice, a dash is entered in columns 7 ("Tax rate") and 8 ("Invoicetax amount"). This happens only if this very VAT code has been enteredin the Table for Grouping Tax Basis Balances (T007K). The groupingversion should be defined as PAY.
Menu path: Customizing R/3: Implementation Guide (IMG): -> GeneralLedger Accounting -> Business transactions -> Closing -> Reporting ->Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Group Tax Base Balances
Country code: RU
Tax grouping version: PAY
Tx Description Trs
B0 Output tax for transactions exempt from VAT MW1 4
In invoices on transactions exempt from VAT, you can print out theExempt from VAT entry in the Addition row. For this purpose, Documentheader text is used.

Filling out fields peculiar to Kazakhstan
The "House bank" and "Partner bank type" information is used forprinting vendor/customer bank data. If there is no information of thiskind in the document, a bank that uses the currency which coincideswith the document currency is selected.
The "Advance payment" text is displayed for advance invoices in the"Contract (agreement) terms of payment" row.
Information about the proxy number and the corresponding date of issueare entered in the text field for the customer/vendor line item.
Address data of the plant or the customer himself (if there are noplant data) are displayed in the "Ship-to party" row.


Query creation
To ensure correct printing, create a correspondence query for theprocessed document.
Menu path: Invoice --> Change -> Environment --> Correspondence -->Invoice (FI module)

Printing a document is performed via the Correspondence trigger.
Menu path: Accounts Receivable --> Periodic processing --> Printcorrespondence -> As per requests (transaction F.61)
As a trial printout, you can output the document on the screen.
For printing purposed, it is recommended to select a printer on theprogram selection screen. If the printer is not directly specified inthe program, the system uses the printer specified in the user masterrecord, or the printer specified upon the task scheduling.
If the program is run in a dialog mode and some errors occur uponprogram execution, a list of errors is displayed on the screen.
If the program is scheduled as a task, the query name in the errorslist spool consists of the code F140ER, printer name, and, ifnecessary, correspondence type and CoCd.