SAP Program J_3RFZDB_PDF - Print Payment Orders (Russia)

Using the program J_3RFZDB in accordance with the legislationconditions, you can print payment requests for:

  • normal customer invoice document

  • down payment requests (BKPF-BSTAT = S, BSEG-UMSKZ = F)

  • parked document (BKPF-BSTAT = V)

  • Printing is carried out:
    • on an open item or on already cleared/paid document (if the clearing
    • date is specified on the selection screen)
      • on documents in a currency specified on the selection screen

      • in the currency other than the document currency (if the Payment
      • currency field is defined on the selection screen)
        The program uses the F110_RU_PLATTREB standard form or J_3RFPLTR form(Add-on FI/LO for Russia).
        If required, forms can be copied and adjusted to specific customerneeds.
        To receive additional information routines included in the RFFOSCRP(form F110_RU_PLATTREB) or J_3RFSCP (form J_3RFPLTR) modular pool arecalled up from forms using the Perform operator.

        Payment order number
        The FI document number (field BKPF-BELNR) is used for number assignmentof payment requests. The algorithm defined in the NUMER_PLATPORUroutine converts the internal number of an accounting document into a6-digit payment order number in which last three digits should be otherthan "000". Since the payment order number is formed by the accountingdocument number, it is not recommended to process documents thatcontain several customer line items using this report.

        The report partially uses settings of the standard automatic paymentprogram:

        • The T042E-AUST1, T042E-AUST2, T042E-AUST0 fields (Company code payment
        • method -> Form data -> Details on the form) are used for printing aname of the recipient in the payment order. Search within the T042Etable is performed by the payment method specified in the document(field BSEG-ZLSCH). If this field in the document is blank, a table rowwhich corresponds to the first payment method defined for the givencompany code is selected.
          • The "Payment method supplement" field should be activated. In this
          • case it will be available for entering values in the document(BSEG-UZAWE). The first symbol is used as a "Payment priority"requisite.
            Details Information source
            Date Current date
            VAT registration Value of the T001Z-PAVAL field for the SAPR01
            number of the parameter from the "Additional data" section
            recipient found in the company code description. Customizing
            tables T001I, T001J, T001Z is required.
            VAT registration Value of the KNA1-STCD1 field from the customer
            number of the master record.
            paying party
            Paying party Values of the KNA1-NAME1, KNA1-NAME2, KNA1-NAME3
            fields from the customer master record. Similar
            fields from the BSEC table are used for one-time
            account customers.
            Bank details To define a house bank unambiguously, use settings
            of the payment program for the corresponding
            payment method in the company code, and values of
            document fields the House bank (BSEG-HBKID) and
            Payment method (BSEG-ZLSCH).
            To exactly define a customer bank, it is
            recommended to fill out the "partner bank type"
            field (BSEG-BVTYP) upon posting, and assign a
            unique "partner bank type" (KNBK-BVTYP) to each
            customer settlement accounts in the customer
            master record.
            If the fields are blank, use the first of house
            banks that has a bank account for the payment in
            corresponding currency, and the first appropriate
            partner bank.
            Bank names (BNKA-BANKA), their BIC (the BNKA-BNKLZ
            bank code), cities (BNKA-ORT01), and correspondent
            accounts (Reference to bank data KNBK-BKREF; and
            for one-time customers or if the KNBK-BKREF field
            is blank -> BNKA-BRNCH branch bank) are displayed
            in the form.
            Customer settlement account is read from the "Bank
            control code" (KNBK-BKONT) and "Account number"
            (KNBK-BANKN) fields.
            Similar fields from the T012K table are used for
            the output of house bank data.
            Terms of payment Indicated as "without acceptance" or "with
            acceptance". When funds are written off without
            acceptance of a payer, a reference is made to the
            number, date and the article of the corresponding
            law, or the number, date and article of the
            agreement that permits a nonacceptance writing-off.
            This information is entered in the Item text field
            of the document item (BSEG-SGTXT). If this field
            is blank, "with acceptance" is printed in the
            "Terms of payment" field, and "5" - in the
            "Acceptance period" field.
            Purpose of payment Information from "long" texts: "Correspondence",
            "Payment advice information" (BELEG text objects
            with identifiers 0001 and 0003, correspondingly).
            Menu path upon entering the document: Additional
            information -> Texts. Data on VAT is defined in the
            TAXFORM1 module (in the J_3RFSCP or RFFOSCRP
            VAT amount is defined for normal documents, parked
            documents, and down payment requests. Documents
            with several tax rates are processed. The "Incl.
            VAT 0%" VAT line is generated upon printing payment
            requests on documents with the VAT code that has a
            rate of 0%. If the VAT code with a rate of 0% for
            untaxable transactions is specified in the
            document, it is necessary to enter this VAT code
            in the T007K Table for grouping tax base balances
            table upon printing the "Exempt from VAT" line in
            the form:
            Menu path:
            Customizing R/3: Implementation Guide (IMG): ->
            Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting
            -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Reporting
            -> Sales/Purchases Tax returns -> Group tax base
            Example of filling out a line/row of the T007K "Table for grouping taxbase balances" table:
            Country code: RU
            Tax group version: PAY
            Tx Description Pro
            B0 Deliveries and services exempt from output VAT MW1 4
            Customer account 1 - 9999
            Company Code a001 - z001
            Open items at key date 27.03.1999
            Clearing date -
            Document number 1400000003 - 1800056987
            Document currency DEM - USD
            Payment currency RUB
            Process standard documents x
            Process parked documents x
            Process prepayment orders x
            Printer xxxx
            Spool name J110
            Suffix1 Spool
            Suffix2 Spool
            Number of copies 1
            Print preview x
            Print immediately x
            New SPOOL request x
            Layout set J_3RFPLTR

            Printing is carried out via the transaction SE38. The user system logonlanguage is used in the output.