SAP Program J_1SZEB1 - IS-M/SD CH/V: Set Up ZEBU File (One ZEBU Type) from PTT Number Plan

Programs J_1SZEB0 and J_1SZEB1 are used to load the PTT number plan forbundling and sacking into the SAP tables J_1SORGZEB and J_1SZUOZEB.
Program J_1SZEB1 formats the data from the SAP temporary fileISP_PTT_ZEBUDAT and writes it to the following tables:
J_1SORGZEB (Node data for a ZEBU node)
J_1SZUOZEB (Assignments to ZEBU tree CH)
The input is from the temporary file ISP_PTT_ZEBUDAT, which is generatedby the conversion program J_1SZEB0.

1. The logical path must be maintained. Logical path: ISP_PTT_ZEBUDAT
2. The logical file name must be maintained: ISP_PTT_ZEBUDAT
3. Tables J_1SORGZEB and J_1SZUOZEB must be blank.
Please adhere to the correct order for processing the report.

  • J_1SZEB0 (Create sequential file from PTT number plan for ZEBU setup)

  • J_1SZEB1 (Set up ZEBU file from PTT number plan)
  • Output
    The following tables are affected:
    J_1SORGZEB (Node data on a ZEBU node)
    J_1SZUOZEB (Assignments to ZEBU tree CH)