SAP Program J_1SWF02 - IS-M/SD CH/W: Update Monthly WEMF Statistics

Program J_1SWF02 creates the monthly statistics data from the dailystatistics data.

Which data is updated?
Program J_1SWF02 creates summarized monthly WEMF statistics data fromthe daily WEMF statistics. The WEMF code XMDELD in the daily statisticsis set to 'X' during processing. This ensures that records in the dailystatistics can only be summarized once into the monthly statistics.
A production run always processes all records that belong to theprevious month or are as old as it and for which the WEMF code is notselected. The number of issues is only calculated for the month inquestion, since the issues are only all recorded in full for thisparticular month.

How is summarization performed?
The data is summarized for the period (field PERIODE) and thequantities are totaled (field MENGE). The program must check in themonthly statistics to determine whether the WEMF statistics havealready run for each new period read. If the statistics have run, fieldXMELD in the monthly statistics is flagged ('X'); data can no longer besummerized to this period. The subsequent period must be searched inthe monthly statistics until periods without XMELD = 'X' exist or nodata is recorded for a period. The category is then assigned to thisperiod. Cases like these are logged.
If a monthly record already exists for the period in question, thequantity is totaled for the record.

Restricting data for processing (test run only)
You can specify a particular date interval for shipping for a test run.


Which data must exist?
The monthly WEMF statistics are based on the daily statistics.


Output structure
You can request that all the inserted and changed monthly records areto be listed (display log). A message is always displayed beside therecord if a period is moved (returns). The number of records read andprocessed is always displayed.