Description This program creates the annual WEMF statistics based on the monthlystatistics data. You can enter the processing data (from- andto-period) and further search terms in a test run, which you can repeatas often as you wish. In a production run, the whole previous year isentered by the system as the processing period. This run can only beexecuted once. The periods processed are marked accordingly in themonthly statistics file and can no longer be processed productively.Returns made for a period already reported for the annual WEMFstatistics are settled in the next period not yet audited (see logJ_1SWF02: Create Monthly Statistics). In the test run, you can specify that discount subscriptions are to beconverted to full subscriptions (according to WEMF guidelines) and/orwhether the system is to check the number in the category collectivesubscriptions. Both of these options are required in a productive run. Precondition The list uses data from the monthly statistics file (determination ofcalculated draw) and the edition file (determine draw; manual entry). Output The list contains the number of issues as well as the averagecirculation for the periods chosen. It is displayed according tohierarchical aspects. The circulation relevant for WEMF is also calculated (including thefree copies) as well as the number of discount and collectivesubscriptions assigned. The program then displays an overview of the draw produced as well asthe number of remaining circulation (stock, voucher copies, spoilage).If the draw is not maintained for the edition, the system lists thecalculated draw and sets the remaining circulation to 0. Finally, the circulation actually sold is summarized for retail; thecirculation delivered is offset against the corresponding returns. |