SAP Program J_1SMEV2 - IS-M/SD CH/V: Global Retail Changes - Quantity Change 1

Program J_1SMEV2 makes quantity changes for retail orders via batchinput. It also creates a list of errors, notes and changenotifications.
The orders to be changed are determined from the number of the ship-toparty's point of sale. This number is provided in an input file. Thefile also contains control data for the quantity change:

  • Change type (REQUIRED), 1 character CHAR

  • A = additive
    E = subtractive
    • +/- sign (relevant for additive quantity changes), 1 character CHAR

    • + = increase
      - = reduction
      • Change quantity (REQUIRED), 10 characters, NUMC with leading zeros and
      • no decimal places
        The changes are made at schedule line level by generating periodicallimited changes (schedule line type BP) or limited changes for specificdates (BT) if the selection period is only one publication date.
        If subtractive changes already exist in the selection period (scheduleline types BT or BP), these are changed if their validity period iswithin the selection period.


        • The specified selection period for which the quantity changes are to be
        • created is checked as follows:
          The system determines the latest order deadline for the selectedpublications (or for all publications if you do not specify selectioncriteria). The valid-from date specified must be earlier than or thesame as the latest order deadline determined plus 1 day.
          • The new quantity is 0 or less

          • If the new quantity determined is 0 or less and the validity period isunlimited (valid to 12/31/9999), the program creates a periodicallimited schedule line change valid to 12/30/9999 with a quantity of 0.


            • You can only use this function if the orders in question are created as
            • orders with several schedule lines.
              • The number of the point of sale, which is used to determine the
              • relevant order item, must be recorded in the business partner masterrecord (retailer) in field JGTEUWV-ISPCNR (role-specific data onretailer).

                Selection criteria:
                You can restrict selection of orders to be changed by specifying thefollowing selection criteria:

                • Logical file name (REQUIRED)

                • For input file (described above)
                  • Country (REQUIRED)

                  • Normal delivery country
                    • Sold-to party (OPTIONAL)

                    • Publication (REQUIRED)

                    • Edition (OPTIONAL)

                    • Mix type (OPTIONAL)

                    • Delivery type (OPTIONAL)

                    • You can use the delivery type, for example, to exclude returns ordersusing a dummy delivery type.
                      • Order type (REQUIRED)

                      • Check order type grouping (OPTIONAL)

                      • If this indicator is selected, the program checks whether the selectedorder types are retail orders.

                        Processing is controlled by the following parameters:

                        • Quantity change from-to (REQUIRED)

                        • The quantity change is generated for this period.
                          • Base quantity (REQUIRED)

                          • N = normal quantity; in the case of an additive quantity change to asubtractive schedule line (BP or BT), the new quantity is the same asthe normal schedule line quantity +/- the change quantity.
                            E = subtractive quantity; in the case of an additive quantity change toa subtractive schedule line (BP or BT), the new quantity is the same asthe quantity of the subtractive schedule line itself +/- the changequantity.
                            • Test run (OPTIONAL)

                            • Selected -> no batch input session is created
                              Blank -> production run: a batch input session is created
                              • Errors/notes (OPTIONAL)

                              • Selected -> list is created
                                Blank -> list is not created
                                • Change log (OPTIONAL)

                                • Selected -> changes are listed
                                  Blank -> list is not created
                                  • Print BP

                                  • If you enter an A or a W in this field, the address of the sold-toparty (A) or the ship-to party (W) is printed for each order or item onthe error/note and change logs.

                                    Input file
                                    PoSlNo. Change qty +/- ChTy.
                                    12345 0000000012 + A
                                    54321 0000000040 E
                                    Affected schedule lines in selection period 01/01/98 to 01/10/98:
                                    PoSlNo. SchLine SLnTy. Valid from Valid to Qty
                                    12345 0003 NE 01/01/1995 12/31/9999 30
                                    12345 0010 BT 01/02/1998 01/02/1998 40
                                    54321 0022 NE 07/01/1995 12/31/9999 32
                                    54321 0027 BT 01/02/1998 01/01/1998 45
                                    If the base quantity is N, schedule line 0010 is changed to 12 (30 +12) and if the base quantity is E, the quantity is changed to 52 (40 +12). Schedule line 27 is changed to 45 in all cases, since this is asubtractive change.