SAP Program J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE_CUST - Create Remittance Challan for Customers

Challan update for withholding tax deducted on payments to customers

If the interest is to be paid to the customer, withholding tax undersection 195 A of Indian Income Tax Act 1961 needs to deducted at timeof making the interest payment.
You are required to remit withholding tax to the local tax office atregular intervals. Different types of tax have to be remitted ondifferent days. Some taxes have to be remitted on a particular day ofeach month, others have to be remitted within a certain number of daysafter you have withheld them.
You use this report to clear the tax line items of your customersthat are ready to be remitted

Interest calculation program for customers (RFDIZ00) is used to postinterest on customer account balances.

Before running the program ensure that relavent customisng has beendone for internal challan number generation and Business Placeinformation is captured in the interest documents.



  • Company Details :

  • The general details for the documents are to be input here. Thisinclude Company Code, Fiscal year and Business Place .
    • Details for withholding tax lines

    • The specific details for the documents are to be input here. TaxSection and recipient type are mandatory entries. For the documetseither the document date range or the document numbers need to beinput.
      • Tax remittance details :

      • The details for the tax remittnace including the Bank account numberand bank charges and document dates are captured here. This is used inthe outgoing payment post program.


        This program determines the tax accounts to be cleared based on theinputs and calls the stanadard transaction for posting outgoingpayments. The user will shown all the documents selected for theprocessing. Here the user would need to select the documents and inputthe total amount. The payment document will be created when thedocument is saved. At this time an internal challan number is generatedand this is saved into the internal challan table.

604607Changes in Customer Challan Update Program for Section Code