SAP Program J_1HDTAX -

In Thailand, tax on sales/purchases (VAT) is reported when TAX INVOICEissued/recieved. The tax payable amount is calculated by the balance ofthe input and output tax, and cleared in the subsequent period. Therealso have some transactions that the tax can be liable onincoming/outgoing payment. This should be supported by the transferposting for deferred tax.

This program can makes the transfer posting for tax on sales/purchasesanytime by request. But should consider of the following:-

  • For purchases tax (input tax), the tax should be claimed after receive
  • TAX INVOICE from vendor.
    • For sales tax (output tax), the tax must be paid after the TAX INVOICE
    • issued.
      Normally, the printing of the tax invoice depends on the TAX POINT (taxliability), which are
      • for sales of goods, at a time of delivery of goods

      • for services sales, at a time of payment
      • Prerequisites

        • In case of tax amount on TAX INVOICE is different from posting deferred
        • tax, this program will automatically posted into selected DIFFERENCEACCOUNT via process process entered in a selection screen. The defaultprocess is 'TAX' which have to prior maintained an account via IMG.


          This program will create ALV to display information of invoice, paymentand transfered documents. The information shown on report are

          • vendor, customer, tax base and tax amount from invoice

          • payment amount from full and partial payment

          • default business place from invoice

          • check box and color status

          • In the second column of ALV will indicate in color as
            • RED - Invoice still open without any payment

            • YELLOW - Invoice with partial payment

            • GREEN - Invoice already cleared

            • By ALV feature, user can customize display variant and save as userspecific display variant.


              • Select check box in first column for invoice and its relavant documents
              • that should be transfered
                • Press tax invoice information button and enter tax invoice information

                • tax invoice number
                  tax invoice date
                  posting date
                  actual tax amount
                  actual tax base amount
                  • Save

                  • This program will create batch input session to post FI document. Thetransaction for posting is FB01 or FB05 according to relevant documentand color status
                    • color RED , invoice - Open , payment - None --> FB05

                    • color YELLOW, Invoice - Open , payment - Partial --> FB01

                    • color GREEN , invoice - Cleared , payment - Full & Cleared --> FB05

1254760J_1HDTAX:Incorrect partial payment transfer incase of NewG/L
549037FAQ: Deferred tax on sales and purchases
314835Error in country specific functions Thailand