SAP Program J_1BNFAD - Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Deletion Program

Program J_1BNFAD deletes archived files of the archiving object J_1BNFfrom the database. This archiving object contains the database tablesof the Nota Fiscal document. Normally, J_1BNFAD is automaticallystarted (by the Archive Management) after the writeprogram J_1BNFAW has finished. In case of an error, the deletionprogram can be started manually by use of the Archive Management. Inthis case, the archive files to be deleted are selected manually viatheir archive keys.
At first the selected archive files are read from the archive and thendeleted in the database to make sure that only archived files aredeleted.
Furthermore, the delete program creates an index entry in the tableARCH_IDX. This index entry is defined in the write program and providesa direct access to specific documents in the archive (in future).

Selection Screen
When starting the program manually, a testrun flag can be activated. Inthis case no deletion is carried out. The testrun mode can also bestarted by activating the corresponding flag when running the writeprogram (see documentation of J_1BNFAW).

The program writes all output messages to a log file. In productive runthis log file contains also the No. of deleted objects.

The database tables involved with the archiving object J_1BNF can beviewed via Archive Objects. Other programs related toarchiving of Notas Fiscais are:
J_1BNFAW: Writes from database to archive
J_1BNFAR: Reloads from archive to database.