This report creates the DIRF files which are required by Brazilianfiscal authorities to report IRRF for natural persons and companies.
The system can produce these files in two formats:
It reads the data from the withholding tax files which have been postedduring the selected year, it accumulates, sorts, and downloads theinformation into a file according to Brazilian law.
It reads the data from the withholding tax files which have been postedduring the selected year, it accumulates, sorts, and prints theinformation in a SAPScript form for each vendor.
Please note:
The retention code in record type 2 and record type 3 is determinedfrom the field "official code" of the withholding tax code. You can setthis up in the IMG activity Definewithholding tax codes.
FI documents which do not correspond to a Nota Fiscal will be assignedto the main business place of the company. To make a manual assignment,you can enter the financial document in the Nota Fiscal.

  • The file structure of DIRF supports only 13 periods. This program only
  • fills out 12 periods, whereby a period is equivalent to a month.
    • The base exemption amount of the withholding tax amount can only be
    • changed on the first day of a financial period.

      Selection criteria:
      Company --> company that issues the file
      Year --> reporting year
      Withholding tax type --> all IRRF withholding tax types
      Additional selection criteria:
      Business place --> company's business place that issues the file
      Vendor --> vendor
      Control parameter:
      You can specify here whether a file is to be generated and whether thecertificate is to be generated.
      Output control:
      Either enter the file path and name, or select the "Test run" field (todisplay data onscreen only). In the second case, a list is only printedwithout the file being generated. Please note that the file isgenerated on the application server.
      File type:
      Original: leads to record type 1 with code "I"
      Replacement: leads to record type 1 with code "S"
      Certificate printout control
      Starting number for the certificate:
      The certificates are numbered consecutively. You can use this parameterto specify the starting value for the numbering process.

      Depending on the selections made in the control parameter, a file iscreated or a certificate is printed.
      If you choose "Test run", the report will only print a list of therecords to be issued.
      At the end of the list, the report prints document numbers of thedocuments to which the main branch has been automatically assigned.
      Hotspots in the list allow you to display additional information. Thefollowing extended information is available:

      • All postings for record type 2 totals

      • FI document information

      • When the certificate is printed, the form is determined by entries madein table T001F. You can maintain these activities in the IMG activityAssign form to correspondence.
        The form must fulfill the following conditions. The exampleJ_1BCERTIFICATE is available with the standard system and can be usedas a template.
        • The text elements HEADER and LINE must be defined in the MAIN window.
        • The following variable can be used in the text element LINE.
          WTMONTH Current month
          WTDATA-RCODE Retention code
          WTDESCRIPTION Description of retention code
          WTVALUE-TRIBUTED Withholding tax base amount
          WTPERCENT Percentage
          WTVALUE-IMPRETIDO Withholding tax
          • The TOTAL window must have been defined, which contains the text
          • element TOTALS. This is used for printing the certificate total and canuse the following variables:
            WTTOTAL-TRIBUTED Total of withholding tax base amounts
            WTTOTAL-IMPRETIDO Withholding tax total
            • You can define additional windows in which you can use the following
            • variables:
              LFA1-xxxx Any field from structure LFA1 (vendor)
              PYEAR Year issued
              WTNUMBER Certificate number
              BRDATA-xxxx Any field from structure BRDATA (as LFA1)
              BRDATA-CGC CNPJ of reporting branch

385929DIRF -> File corrections 2000 (cont. Note 376013)
376013ASUG 2000 Brazil / DIRF requirements for WT/tax reporting