SAP Program J_1BLFB1 - IN68: Cadastros, Dateien und Tabelas

This report creates the legal files following the Instrução Normativa 68(IN68). Depending on the selections of the user, it reads and extractsthe legal documents and/or internal FI documents and/or internal MMdocuments, that have been posted during the selected period. In additionto that, masterdata of the respective business partners and sytem tablesdescribing the codes used in the other files can be read and extractedto provide the Cadastros and/or Tabelas required by the law.
When the asset accounting files are selected, all assets of the chosencompany code are reported at least once. The date of this record will bethe first day of the chosen period. If any of the data has changedwithin the period, or if there has been any transaction within theperiod, further records will be created.

Mandatory selection criteria:
Objects to be generated:
Cadastros .... generates the Cadastros containing master data ofthe business partners
Files .... generates files concerning
- Notas Fiscais
- FI documents
- MM documents
- Bills of material
Asset accounting files
.... generates files concerning
- Asset accounting
Tabelas .... generates the system tables with the explanations of thecodes used in the Cadastros and Files (e.g. Chart of accounts, movementtypes etc.)
Nota Fiscal selection criteria:
Company Code ... of the company that issues the file(s)
Business place ...the company's business place that issues the file(s)
Movement date ... first and last date of the reporting period
Output control:
Enter either the path and name of the files you want the program todownload the data to or mark the checkbox 'testrun', which results inan output on the screen only (without issuing a file).
Please note the following:
If you run the program online, the system will stop the output aftereach type of file. To proceed to the next file type, please presseither the 'BACK' or the 'EXIT' button, until all chosen files havebeen processed. This is not necessary, if you download the files (seeb) above) and start the report via background job.
If you want to download the files to the application server, pleasefill the fields
File address ... with the physical address and the'leading letters' of the name (e.g. '/tmp/in68')(note also the remarks below!)
File extension ... with the file extension (e.g. '.txt')
In the example given here, the program will then issue the respectivefiles of IN68 in the directory 'tmp' in the following form:
- File 1.1 will have the name in68_11.txt,
- File 4.1 will have the name in68_41.txt,
- etc.
Please note that the extensions _xyz will be generated automatically.

Creating and using IN68 files
This report will select all data from the database according to theselection criteria. Please note, that when data from a long time agoare wanted, they might not be in the database any more but could bearchived already. Thus, these data could not be reported. Therefore thefollowing procedure is recommended:
Instead of running the IN68 report only when the tax authorities ask forspecific data, the report should be run regularly. Then when asked forspecific data, you can use the existing files and extract the data fromthem. (Extracting software is not delivered by SAP.)
It is important to run IN68 regularly without any interruptions. If thelast file contained data until the last day of January, the next runshould have the first day of February as starting date.
This procedure has a second advantage. For some data, no changedocuments are maintained within the system. If these data are changed,the old data cannot be retrieved. But with the regular use of the IN68report, the old data will be in the files which were created before thechange was performed.
Example: A company runs IN68 once a month from January 1998 onwards. InJuly 1999 the tax authorities demand all asset accounting data for theperiod May until August 98. The company extracts the data from the fileswhich have been created in May, June, July and August 98.

General file information
Each record in the files will end with a carriage return.

Format changes of this version
In the previous version of the IN68 report not all records in the fileshad the maximum length. If the last field was alphanumeric and therewere blanks at the end, those blanks were omitted when transfering therecords to the files. Now all records have the same length. Blanks atthe end of a record will be inserted into the file.

Differences between suggested type and the type in the system
The fields 'document type' 'type of operation' 'unit of measure' and'state' are alphanumerical fields in the system. The suggested type isnumeric. The following fields are affected:
(All item numbers are according to the SAP format. They are differentfrom the suggested item numbers, if additional fields have beeninserted, see below.)
File Item Description of the field
2.1 7 document type
3.1 2 "
3.2 2 "
3.3 2 "
3.4 2 "
3.5 2 "
3.10 2 "
3.11 2 "
3.12 2 "
3.13 2 "
4.1 2 "
6.3 9 "
1.1 6 type of operation
2.1 4 "
4.1 17 "
3.3 16 unit of measure
3.9 7 "
3.11 16 "
4.2 6 "
5.1 6 "
5.2 7 "
8.1 14 state

Differences between suggested size and SAP system size in field length
The IN68 law suggests sizes for all fields in the files.
Nevertheless, it allows to use different field sizes. This is necessaryto preserve data integrity if the system used works with different fieldsizes. However, if different field sizes are used, they must be reportedto the tax authorities.
The documentation of the changes in IN68 field sizes can be found below.Please check the online service system for the most up to dateinformation.

8.1 Person/Company cadastro
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
3 Person/Company code 9 10
12 District 20 35
14 State 2 3
15 CEP 8 9

8.2 Codes (structure)
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
4 Description 45 121

8.3 Tabela de Códigos
Here there is no suggested field size. Each record has a total size of30 characters plus the carriage return at the end.
In the SAP format there are two additional entries in this table:
table 31: Plant
table 32: BOM usage
This tables are necessary to specify the extra-fields of files 5.1 and5.2 (see below).

1.1 Postings
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
6 Type of operation 3 4
10 Complementary history 45 50

2.1 NF header data per vendor/customer
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
4 Type of operation 3 4

3.1 NF header data/total values/goods/saídas
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Document continues on file
code number 1 2

3.2 NF header data/freight data/goods/saídas
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
17 Vehicle number plate 17 20

3.3 NF item data/goods/saídas
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Item number 5 6
14 Type of operation or
Complementary code 3 4
27 Federal Tributary Situation 1 5

3.4 NF header data/services/saídas
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Document continues on file
code number 1 2

3.5 NF item data/services/saídas
Here one additional item is inserted.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Item number 0 6

3.10 NF header data/goods(or conhecimentos between different states

or countries)/entradas
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Document continues on file
code number 1 2

3.11 NF item data/goods(or conhecimentos between different states

or countries)/entradas
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Item number 5 6
15 Type of operation or
Complementary code 3 4
27 Federal Tributary Situation 1 5

3.12 NF header data/services(or conhecimentos in the same state)/

Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Document continues on file
code number 1 2

3.13 NF item data/service(or conhecimentos in the same state)/entradas
Here one additional item is inserted.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
8 Item number 0 6

4.1 Goods movements
Here one additional item is inserted and one item size is changed.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
10 Unit of measure 0 3
17 Type of operation 3 4

5.1 Products using input materials
Here three additional items are inserted. For two of them, there are newtables in table 'Tabela de Códigos' (tables 31 and 32). For the newfield 'Alternative BOM' no table is needed, as this is only a counterused to distinguish between alternative methods to produce the outputmaterial.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
2 Plant 0 4
3 Usage BOM 0 1
4 Alternative BOM 0 2

5.2 Input materials used in products

(Output products <-> Input materials)
Here three additional items are inserted.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
2 Plant 0 4
3 Usage BOM 0 1
4 Alternative BOM 0 2

6.2 Auxiliar File for Depreciation Suspension Information
One additional item is inserted.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
1 Company code 0 4

6.3 Asset registration file
One additional item is inserted and four field sizes have been adjusted.
Item Field Suggested Size SAP Size
2 Company code 0 4
4 Asset identification 45 50
10 Acquisition document number 12 16
11 Serial number 12 18
17 Depreciation index 5 7