SAP Program J_1BLFA1 - Arquivo Magnético/Convênio ICMS 142/02

This report creates the legal file 'Arquivo magnético' following thelaw Convênio 131/97. It reads the data of the Notas Fiscais andConhecimentos that have been posted from the Nota Fiscal databaseduring the selected period and accumulates, sorts, and downloads theminto a file according to Brazilian laws.

Mandatory selection criteria:

  • Nota Fiscal selection criteria:

  • Company code issuing the file
    Business place preparing the file
    Posting date
    The first and last date of the period for which posted documents are tobe included in the file.
    • Output control:

    • Enter either the path and name of the file you want the program todownload the data to or mark the checkbox 'testrun', which results inan output on the screen only (without issuing a file).
      Optional selection criteria:
      • Additional selection criteria:

      • Series ... the Nota Fiscal/Conhecimento series number
        Nota Fiscal number ... the external, non-unique number of the NotaFiscal or Conhecimento
        • Regions and CFOPs:

        • Region of destination/origin ... Enter those regions of the sendersand/or recipients of fiscal documents that you want to be included inthe file. (This means that the number of documents displayed can belimited to those documents with a different region ofdestination/origin from the region of the branch creating the file).
          CFOPs ... Enter the CFOP codes to whichselection is to be limited. (This means that the display can be limitedto either just incoming or just outgoing documents).
          • Administrative data:

          • Contact person ... responsible for questions concerning the file
            Content ... of the file, according to the selection options(default: All operations)
            Reasons ... for the creation of the file, according to theselection options (default: Normal file)

            If you enter the file name in the section output control, the reportwill download the data to the respective file.
            If the file does not exist yet, the system will generate it. If italready exists, the system will stop the program if this is a differenttype of file (not Arquivo magnético Conv. 131/97), and it willoverwrite the existing contents of the file if it is of the Arquivomagnético Conv. 131/97 type.
            The system creates the file under the operating system of theapplication server, in other words, the computer on which the SAPSystem runs. The naming conventions for the file must thus comply withthe conventions of the server operating system.

            For a UNIX operating system, the file name consists of the path and thename, such as /tmp/export.
            For a Windows operating system, the file name consists of the drive,path and name, such as C:\TMP\Export.
            If you choose Test Run, the report will only produce an outputof the data to be downloaded on the screen without producing the file.By selecting a line in the output, you may display the information ofthis line on a detail screen.