SAP Program J_1BLB01 - List of Incoming Documents and Vendor List

This report creates the Brazilian Legal Books 'Registro de Entradas'(Modelo 1) and 'Lista de Códigos de Emitentes'(Modelo 10). It reads thedata of the notas fiscaisand conhecimentos thathave been posted during the selected period out of the Nota Fiscaldatabase and accumulates, sorts and displays them according toBrazilian laws.

Mandatory selection criteria:
Nota Fiscal selection criteria:
Company code ... of the company that issues the Registro
Business place ... of the company's business place that issues theRegistro
Posting date ... first and last date of the period for whichposted documents shall be reported in the Registro
Output control:
First page number ... number of the first page of the current Registro- has to be smaller than the number entered for 'Pages per book' andhas to be greater than 1, since the page numbered with 1 is reservedfor the 'Termos de Abertura'.
Pages per book ... maximum number of pages within one book (usually500 pages in Brazil) - if this number was reached, the Registro willfirst finish the output of the data for the day that is currentlybeing processed (incl. daily totals)
Note that page numbering is only possible in print mode - if the reportis simply started via the 'Execute' button, then the system will createonly one (endless) page of output on the screen. So, in order to createa list with the correct page numbering, start the report from theselection screen using the printer button (Ctrl+P).
Optional selection criteria:
Additional selection criteria:
Series ... the Nota Fiscal / Conhecimento Series number
Nota Fiscal number ... the external, not unique number of the NotaFiscal or Conhecimento

The Output may consist of four parts:

  • The Registro de Entradas, possibly consisting of several books
  • (according tp the selections for 'Output control')
    • A short overview for the user (no legal requirement, does not belong to
    • the Legal Books) about the number of pages and books that were actuallyprinted
      • The 'Lista de Códigos de Emitentes'

      • In the case of one time partners, the list shows in the last two fieldsthe posting date and the Nota Fiscal number of the respective documentin order to enable the correct identification.
        • A list of errors that occurred during processing due to inconsistencies
        • in the database, such as tax types not maintained, etc. - If this errorlist appears, then the system administrator should be informed and thereport should be run a second time using the correct data.

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