SAP Program J_1AFONR - Printing of the last official documents numbers assigned

List the last used official document numbers in the sytem for everycombination of document class, branch and printing character who areself-issued (relevant for numbering) -for a certain period-

Assignation of number ranges and numbering groups for self-issueddocument types
The period of time where the report looks for the documents have aninitial and a final date in the screen:

  • The final date is obligatory field, because is the searching limit.

  • The initial date field it is not obligatory.

  • When it is not filled, the report looks for the documents in all thehistorical data until the final date, this can be high-time-consumer.
    When the first date is filled the report looks in the interval of time-recommended-.
    The resulting list present considerable changes depending on the dateintenval definition

    The first list contains the following fields:

    • Reference fields: describe where the document come from (document type
    • FI, Delivery and Billing Type SD, Material Movement MM)
      • KeyFields: Document Class, Branch and Printing Character.

      • Result: Last official number or a legend when no document is found.

      • The option for to make a variant of the list is available
        By the button SummaryLIST is possible to access a second list with theresult information by the unique possible combinations of theKeyFields (Making omission of the reference fields)
        Access to a document: by clicking in the official number.

732145In releases 46C and above, table T003_I should be used