SAP Program J_1AF108 - Gross Income Declaration

The report informs about the gross income tax to be paid to each regionin the desired period.
Sales documents are read to calculate the accumulated amounts peractivity. Applying the Multilateral agreement coefficient, the tax basefor each region is obtained, then this is muliplied by the activityrate, which results is the tax amount. After that withholdings arededucted.

Input parameters
Company code
Calendar month
Calendar year
Distribution type
Selection date for Gross Income tax rates
Payment withholding type
Flag: Print list
No. of copies

There are two possible outputs. The first is the SAPscript (to bepresented to the authorities) and the second one is the calculationdetail.
1. SAPscript layouts
The SAPscripts are printed per region. It contains all data concerningthe company and region. The calculated amounts (sales, base, total) areprinted per activity code. A total is printed at the end of eachSAPscript.
2. Calculation detail (only printed if PRINT LIST has been set in the
selection screen)
The detail is printed per activity code with the following data:
- Activity code and description
- Document no.
- Posting date
- Tax code
- Base amount for GI
Totals per activity code and for the company are printed at the end.
A company total is printed per region at the end of the list. Itcontains the following data:
- Region and description
- total accumulated payment amount
- total accumulated withholding amount
- Amount to be paid for the period
A Log is printed at the end for undefinied tables. In that case thetables should be changed and the report has to be restarted.