SAP Program J_1AF016 - Withholdings and Perceptions - RG 4110

The report informs the DGI about all withholdings (only AP) andperceptions (AR and AP) applied by your company. The list shows thedataconcerning the vendor/customer and the document. The amounts areprintedin local currency and with signs. A total is printed per regimeand run.
Via selection it is possible to create a file which has to be sent tothe DGI.
The layout of the formular is definied as SAPSCRIPT layoutset, namedJ_1A_F015_WTHCTF.

Input parameters
Standard selection screen of database BRF
Withholding type
Processing keys For the selection of the perceptions
Flag: Create new dataset
Output file

The list is sorted by - posting date
- official withholding code
- account no. of vendor/customer
- company code
- fiscal year
- document no.
It contains the following data:
- posting date
- official withholding code
- vendor/customer data
- account no.
- name
- type of ID document
- C.U.I.T.
- company code
- fiscal year
- SAP document no.
- withholding/perception amount
- flag (0= negative, 1= positive)
The totals per official withholding code are printed at the end of thelist.

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