SAP Program ISU_XPRA_STDTFTR - XPRA for Transfer of Date Type for Tax Determination in Partial Bill

XPRA for Copying the Date Type for Tax Determination

You can use this report to fill the Date Type for Tax Determinationin Invoicing for Partial Bills field of table TE503 when you updateto release IS-UT 600. This is a new field and must be filled beforegoing live.







A line from table TE503 is read for each client and the Date Typefor Tax Determination in Invoicing for Partial Bills field is filledaccording to the following rules:

  • Time of tax determination in invoicing:

  • Depending on the settings for the Date Type for Tax Determination inInvoicing field, the same value is copied to the new field. If theDate Type for Tax Determination in Invoicing field has thesetting Do Not Execute Tax Determination, the new field is leftempty.
    • Time of tax determination in billing:

    • The Date Type for Tax Determination in Invoicing for Partial Bills field is filled with the same value as the Tax Determination forInvoicing Based on the Debit Entry Date field.