SAP Program INST_SPAM_IMPORT - SPAM import during installation

Automatic Import of Support Packages

Support Packages can be imported in the background as part of theinstallation.

The report INST_SPAM_IMPORT is called as part of the SmartImplementation or via the transaction INST_CUSTOM.
For security reasons, the report cannot be called directly.

The background import is only possible if the general conditions forimporting the Support Packages are known and fixed (see selectionparameters).
In addition, the patch files must be in the directoy ../EPS/in.


The selection parameters are:

  • OSPAR1 - OCSPAR9 The parameters contain the component for which
  • the Support Packages are to be imported and the name of the first andlast Support Packages to be imported in this way.
    The parameters must be stored in the table INSTPARA.

    The report INST_SPAM_IMPORT:

    • Checks the authorization for Support Package import

    • Checks the triggers (first - last patch)

    • Uploads the Support Packages using the module SPAM_UPLOAD

    • Imports the SPAM updates (if required) using tp

    • Sets up the patch queue

    • Determines the patch sequence using the module
      • Imports the Support Packages for each component using tp

      • After all the imports are completed, the parameter SPAM is setto SPAMFINISH in the table INSTPARA.
        In addition to importing Support Packages, this method can also be usedto install Add-Ons. In this case, the required AVERS andCVERS entries are also created directly.
        After the SPAM updates have been imported, the program stopsautomatically.
        The report program INST_SPAM_IMPORT is called by the reportprogram INST_SPAM_MAIN. Then the report INST_SPAM_SYNCshould be executed. After that, the report INST_SPAM_IMPORTcan be restarted for importing the Support Packages. The report canbe restarted because it makes an entry under the parameter SPAMin the table INSTPARA after every processing step.