Title Adjust Client Settings Purpose Sets the flag CCCOPYLOCK >(protection in client copying) forclients 000, 001, and 066, as well as the live and sandbox clients.Integration The report INST_CLIENT_ADAPT >is called as part of a SmartImplementation or via the transaction INST_CUSTOM >.Features Selection The selection parameters are:
- The clients to be copied CLNT1 >to CLNT6>
- The corresponding client categories CLNTATT1 >to CLNTATT6
> The parameters must be entered in the table INSTPARA >.Activities The report sets the parameter CCCOPYLOCK = X >for clients 000,001, and 066, as well as the clients CLNT1 >to CLNT6>, forwhich CLNTATT1 >to CLNTATT6 >is P or X.