Check that the Installation Reports Are Correctly Executed

Checks the results of installation reports that are executed as part ofa Smart Implementation.

As part of a Smart Implementation, the report INST_BCCUST_CHECK is called at operating system level or via transaction

The procedure for calling installation reports has changed in Release5.0.
As of Release 5.0, the installation reports to be executed are enteredin the table INSTCNTL, provided they are revised or new. Therethey are assigned to a particular release and software component, andare given a fixed sequence number, which determines when they areexecuted.
Reports that are still called using the "old" method are not entered inthe table INSTCNTL . If a check routine exists for them, it isentered in the table INSTCHKTAB.


You can start report INST_BCCUST_CHECK with the followingparameters:

  • COMP = Software component. Specification of software components
  • is only necessary for reports that are called using the newinstallation procedure. It determines the components for which theinstallation reports should be checked.
    • CHECKFKT = SPACE, N or A. SPACE means that only
    • reports that were executed using the "old" method should be checked.N means that the reports that were executed using the "new"method should be checked. The value A means that allinstallation reports should be checked (both "new" and "old"). Ais the default value.
      • DISP_LOG = Y or N determines whether the result from the
      • INST_BCCUST_CHECK should be displayed online or sent to fileonly.

        The report INST_BCCUST_CHECK determines the release for thesoftware component COMP and for the software component
        CHECKFKT = SPACE or A means the report reads the tableINSTCHKTAB and selects all function modules that are flagged asactive. The current release of the software component 'SAP_BASIS' is used as the source. The function modules are executed one afterthe other. They check whether the reports that were executed as part ofthe installation ran correctly.
        CHECKFKT = N or A means that the table INSTCNTL isread. All check modules for the current release of the softwarecomponent COMP are selected and executed.
        All check modules are called using a common interface. The checkmodules send the result of the check as a return code and log table.
        The return codes mean the following

        • 0,,check successful

        • 2,,check could not be made

        • 4,,check found errors

        • The log table uses the general log interface. The check moduleswrite all success and error messages to the log table.
          After the last check module is called, all messages, sorted by checkmodule, are displayed by the report program INST_BCCUST_CHECK.
          INST_BCCUST_CHECK displays the highest return code as thegeneral return code and creates the general log in the directory$DIR_TRANS/log under the name RRRCHECK.sid.
          You can also display the log online.