SAP Program IMP_PURGE - Deletion of Processed Worksets

You can use this report to delete worksets in IMP Manager (InsuranceMass Processing) that have been processed.
Caution: The system does not archive the deleted worksets.

This report is part of the infrastructure of IMP Manager.

You can make the following settings and thus control the deletionprocedure:

  • Application Class (required field):

  • Enter the application class for which you want to delete the worksets.
    • Age in Days (required field with prefilling):

    • Enter a number >= 0.
      The number indicates how old a workset must be at least for the systemto delete it.
      The standard setting is 14 days.
      • Status (required field with prefilling):

      • The system deletes only those worksets with the specified status.
        The standard setting is status 9 (worksets that have been processedcompletely and without errors).
        • incl. Workset (optional):

        • If you set this indicator, the system also deletes the administrativeentry for the workset.
          If you do not set this indicator, the system adds information to theadministrative entry that the workset has been deleted.
          • Simulation (optional):

          • If you set this indicator, the system only simulates the deletion. Thesystem does not delete any worksets in the database.

            The system records which activities have been executed in a simple list.The list shows how many entries have been deleted and in which worksets.

            You can execute the report with the values prefilled by SAP. You onlyneed to specify the application class.
            However, we recommend that you execute the following additionalactivities:
            Provide the report with a variant that matches the requirements of yourapplication class.
            Schedule the report to be run periodically (daily, weekly, and so on) inthe background.
            You can then ensure that the system automatically deletes all entries inthe IMP Manager tables that are no longer required.