SAP Program IHC_UTIL_ADJUST_BANK_STATEMENT - Correct Bank Statemnt Balances

This report corrects bank statement balances directly in the database.It could be that some bank statements contain the same items or specificitems from the bank statements are missing. If these have been correctedmanually or the house bank (for example, IHC) only corrected thebalances in later bank statements (see SAP Note 768502), the bank datastorage can contain "breaks" between the balances. These breaks can beremoved by this program.

The starting balance of the first bank statement is NOT corrected onlyits closing balance. Then all balances of all selected statements arecorrected. The program always checks if the new starting balances agreewith the last (new) closing balances and if the last corrected closingbalance agrees with the next starting balance.

You have already analyzed the bank statements and have the number ofbank statements to be corrected and the amount that should be added ordeducted.

Select the bank statements using the company code, house bank ID,account ID and statement numbers.
Assign the amount and the action (whether this amount is to be added ordeducted).

There are no standard variants.

You can view the new balances of the corrected bank statements in atable at the end of the run.

Bank statement balances in company code 1000, house bank DB, accountGIRO:
Statement Number,,Starting Balance,,Closing Balance
The statements 00010 and 00011 contain the same item of EUR 1,000double. So the balance of the closing balance from statement 00011 isincorrect and EUR 1,000 more. This error was corrected in statement00015, although the starting balance was EUR 1,000 less than the closingbalance from 00014. It would be correct if the closing balance fromstatement 00011 was only EUR 16,000 and accordingly all balances up tothe closing balance from statement 00014 were less. Here you would needto run the report with EUR 1,000 with the action "deduct amount" for thestatements 00011 to 00014.