SAP Program IHC_CASH_MANAGEMENT_ONLINE - Online Analysis of the IHC Financial Status

This report is used to create the financial status (cash position) of anin-house cash center online.

Use the IHC_CASH_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER report to update data in theSAP Cash Management component.

The financial status is available as an ALV-GRID list and can beprocessed with the standard functions. Note that large numbers ofaccounts and value dates can lead to considerable runtimes.

The financial status takes the value-date based balances of the accountsand planned items defined in the cash management variant. The data isselected on the basis of a time period which you can enter relatively (acertain number of days) or absolutely. You can select a layout forcontrolling the output.

The standard layouts 1SAP_PLANNED (planned turnover) und 1SAP_BALANCE(value-date based balance list) are included in the delivery asexamples.