SAP Program HVECTER1 - Dynamic action routine for vacat. pay and vacat. bonus in termination

Program that executes the external routine of the dynamic measure usedfor the payment of leave, fractional leave and the vacation bonuswithin the termination process.
You execute this report if the Measures infotype (IT0000), contains anentry associated with Rescission of Contract reason for action 10.
In general, you create an entry in the Quotas Correction infotype(IT2013), to transfer accumulated leave and the leave bonus to theQuotas infotype (IT2006).
Finally, you create the necessary entries in the Quotas Compensationinfotype (IT0416), to compensate at the point of termination foraccumulated and unfulfilled quotas.

There must be an entry with reason for action 10 in the Measuresinfotype (IT0000).

You create the required entries in the following infotypes:
Quotas (IT2006).
Quota Corrections (IT2013).
Quotas Compensation (IT0416).