SAP Program HUNCPFY0 - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund Yearly Interface

This report generates data containing the Pension Fund details ofselected employees for submission to the authorities, annually. Itgenerates one of the following schedules, based on the selectioncriteria:

  • Schedule A containing:

  • Normal Contribution for current year
    All retroactive modifications to Normal Contributions that occurred incurrent year and relevant to previous years.
    All modifications to Annual Pensionable Remuneration that occurred incurrent year relevant to current and previous years.
    • Schedule B containing the following in case of employee
    • contribution for selected reporting year:
      Actuarial cost
      • Schedule C containing the following in case of employer
      • contribution for selected reporting year:
        Actuarial cost
        • Schedule D containing the details of all employees who do not
        • contribute during Leave Without Pay (LWOP) in the current reportedfinancial year.
          • Schedule E containing retroactive adjustments that occurs in
          • current year and are relevant to staff members separated in previousyears.
            The report reads the payroll cluster results and the Pension Funds
            infotype (0961) for the required information. It then generates thefiles for Schedules A and D in a format as specified by the authorities.For Schedules B, C and E, you can download the information from theoutput screen. The report also updates UNJSPF Yearly Interface data
            table (T7UNPF_YI_SCHE) with the Pension Fund details.
            In case of Schedules B and C, you must maintain the wage types to storethe values of validation, restoration and acturial cost in Customizingfor Payroll NPO under Payroll Master Data -> Pension Fund ->Maintain Wage Types to Store EE/ER Validation,Restoration & Acturial Amts.

            On the SAP Easy Access screen, select Human Resources ->Payroll -> Non Profit Organizations -> Subsequentactivities -> Annual -> Reporting -> United NationsJoint staff Pension Fund.
            United Nations Joint staff Pension Fund Yearly Interfaceselection screen appears.
            In the Period section, enter the period for which you want togenerate the information.
            In the Selections section, enter the employee selection criteria.
            In the Schedule Selection section:
            Choose the schedule that you want to generate.
            In the Reporting Year field, enter the year for which you want togenerate the information.
            In the Update and Download section:
            Set the Test Run (no update) indicator, if you want to run thereport in test mode. When you set this indicator, the system displays anALV format of the selected schedule. However, it does not update theUNJSPF Yearly Interface data table (T7UNPF_YI_SCHE) with thePension fund details.
            Select the location where you want to save the file generated. You havethe following options available:
            - Application Server
            - PC Directory
            In File Path field, enter the path for saving the file forschedules A and D.
            It is mandatory to enter the file path if you are running the report inLive mode. However if you are running the report in Test mode, you havethe option to generate the file for display only. You can also save thefile generated in Test mode by entering the path in the File Pathfield.
            The system saves the document in the file path you enter using thefollowing naming convention:
            Application Server:
            ,,Schedule A,,,,,,,,Schedule D
            Test Run ,,UNJSPF_SCHEDULE_A_YYYY_SIMULATION,, ,,,,,,
            PC Directory:
            ,,Schedule A,,,,,,,,Schedule D
            Test Run ,,UNJSPF_SCHEDULE_A_SIMULATION,, ,,,,,,
            Live Run,,UNJSPF_SCHEDULE_A,,,,,,,,UNJSPF_SCHEDULE_D
            In the above naming conventions, the system replaces YYYY withthe corresponding year for which you run this report.
            If you have activated the switch PF_SHOW_DETAILS in NPO: GeneralAttributes table (T7UN_ATTRIBS), the system displays the followingfields on the selection screen of this report:
            In the Schedule Selection section, Starting Period
            Enter the the period from which the system must consider the payrollcluster results while running this report. You must enter the period inthe format yyyymm.
            In the Update and Download section, Show Detail indicator
            Set this indicator if you want the system to display the detailedtechnical information about the way the report works. It is intended fortroubleshooting and analysis.
            To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
            United Nations Joint staff Pension Fund Yearly Interface outputscreen appears. On this screen system displays the Schedule A, B, C, Dor E information in ALV file format. If you have selected ShowDetails on the selection screen, to view the intermediate technicalinformation choose Back.
            If you have run the report in Live mode, the system generates theinformation of the selected Schedule. For schedules A and D, the systemsaves the same at the path that you enter on the selection screen. Thereport also updates the UNJSPF Yearly Interface data table(T7UNPF_YI_SCHE) table with the Pension Details.