SAP Program HTWLLPD0 - Data Comparison Report for Labor Insurance or New Pension (Taiwan)


Data Comparison Report for Labor Insurance or New Pension (Taiwan)

You use this report to compare data in SAP system with data in TaiwanLabor Insurance Bureau's system. This report is applicable to thefollowing types of data:

  • Labor insurance

  • New pension (employee pay)

  • New pension (employer pay)

  • This report checks data consistency in the following areas:
    • For labor insurance data:

    • Name
      Date of birth
      Company LI (Labor Insurance) number
      Check code of company LI number
      Labor insurance amount
      Employee pay
      Employer pay
      Type of last change
      Date of last change
      • For new pension data:

      • Name
        EE (employee) rate
        ER (employer) rate
        EE premium
        ER premium
        Type of contributor
        Insurance amount
        Date of last change

        Before you run this report, you need to complete the following tasks:

        • Download data file from Labor Insurance Bureau website, and save it on
        • local disk
          • Run payroll for the relevant employees and have their payroll results
          • Features

            o,,Select the data file from the local disk and import it into system.
            o,,Select the comparison period, including year and month.
            Note: This results in an automatic entry on Period tab.
            o,,Select the employees, whose data you wish to compare.
            o,,Choose the type of data that you would like to compare.
            Note: It should correspond to the imported data file.

            When you run the report, it generates the following results:

            • Records in SAP system that meet the selection criteria

            • Records with identical data in both SAP system and the uploaded file

            • Records with data inconsistency between SAP system and the uploaded file

            • Records belong to different types of data inconsistency

            • Records in data file, but not recognized by the system
            • Activities
              On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> Taiwan -> SubsequentActivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->Update LI/NHI infotype -> PC00_M42_LLPD.
              Enter the required criteria to identify the employees for comparison.
              Upload data file from the local disk through the following steps:
              Access to F4 Help for field Filename
              Select data file for comparison from your computer
              Choose Open to upload it into system
              Select Comparison Year and Month, that is the same period of theimported data file.
              Select the data type for comparison.
              Choose Program -> Execute.

              When you run this report, pay attention to the following cases:

              • In the LI data file, there are four possible values for field

              • Type of Last Change: 1, 2, 3, 4.
                This report is not applicable to value 1.
                Records whose type of last change is 1 are displayed in theInconsistent records group in the result.
                • In the NP data file, there are more than 10 possible entries for the
                • field Status.
                  This report only supports the following statuses:
                  Adjust amount
                  Adjust rate
                  Records with other statues are displayed in the Inconsistent records
                  group in the result.

                  See also
                  For more information, see SAP Note 953749.