SAP Program HTWCTXW0 - Tax Certificate Report & Media Form (Payday)

This report is used to generate year end tax withdrawal report, boththe paper form and tax medium file. For residents, the tax withdrawalreport can be yearly or periodically (only in test mode). For foreignemployee,a monthly report can be created.
This report has similiar functions as the report HTWCTXM0, the onlydifference is that you need to run this report according to differencebusiness scenario in your company. In case that the payday is afterthe payroll period, eg. Jan. 05 2001 is the payday for period dec.012000 to dec 31.2000, you need to run this report instead of HTWCTXM0.
To generate year end EWF withdrawal report, please run HTWCTXM0instead.



  • Payroll results are available and evaluation class 6 of relevant wage
  • types are set correctly.
    • Start and end sequence number of the tax form are configured in table
    • T7TW2G. This report will select next free sequesnce number in thisrange and store the result in table T7TW2F automatically.
      • Table T7TW2F records employees who have finished tax form and their
      • sequence numbers. And T7TW2I records their tax data result.
        • The company data stored in table T7TW0P are maintained. The name and
        • address of Employee Welfare Fund Commision are derived from featureTWEAD and table T536A.
          • The address of foreign employees are read from their infotype 6. If
          • there is no address data stored and the user select the check box"Address from feature (TWFAD)" in the selection screen, the dataderived from feature TWFAD and T536A will be used as his address.
            • The 'Medium Code' for residents is defined in table T7TW0P. It is
            • possible to input a different 'Medium Code' . In the case , thesequence numberof the tax form will select next free sequence numberfrom table T7TW2F instead of T7TW2G.

              If test run, this report will list all data of selected persons andselected period in screen. Output to tax meium file and printer can bedone, but no update of table T7TW2F is possible.
              If test run, and you select Re-Print check box, this report will readall data of selected person from table T7TW2I directly and list inscreen. Only those employees who have finished tax form and updatetablecan be listed.
              If not test run: the same as 1. but update of T7TW2F is possible. Thisupdate should be carried out with care. The further tax report of thisEE will exclude the amount reported as per T7TW2I.
              The push buttons 'EE Laser' and 'EE Line' will send the paper form toLaser Printer and Line Printer respectively. Due to differetn paperformat, you might need to create a user-exit for your own form. The SAPenhancement is called 'HRTWTAXM'. Please create and activate a userexit to print the result in your own form. The subroutine'taxform_ee_laser' and 'taxform_ee_line' in this report can bereferenced.