Title Social Security Form No. 1-10 for Thailand Purpose This is a statutory report and it generates the monthly summary of theSocial Security contributions paid by your organization. The report reads the payroll data and generates the Report ofContribution For Social Security Fund>.Prerequisites Payroll results along with Social Security Contributions> for theperiod must exist. Payroll IDs> infotype (0185) subtype (01) records must exist forID No>. If Alias names are required, the Alternative Names Asia> infotype(0182) records must exist.Features Output This report generates the Report of Contribution For Social SecurityFund>, which consists of the following forms: Social Security Form No. 1-10 (1st Part)> This form is a summary of the total Social Security contributions for agiven month. It is inclusive of both the regular contributions for themonth, and any incremental contributions paid in that month. Social Security Form 1-10 (Second Part)> This form lists the employee wise contribution towards Social SecurityFund. It is inclusive of the regular contributions for the month, andany incremental contributions paid in that month. For example: An employee has a regular contribution for the month ofMarch and incremental contributions for January and February, paid inMarch. In this case, the report will generate Social Security Form1-10 (Second Part)>, displaying a total of regular contributions forMarch, incremental contributions for February and incrementalcontributions for January. Form displaying the two percent surcharge on delayed Social SecurityFund contributions In case of delayed payments, the report computes a two percentsurcharge, per month, on all delayed payments. However, the surchargecomputation on delayed payments takes place as of the date on which theemployee received the incremental amount. The report displays the samein a separate SAPscript format. Example An employee's salary was incremented on April 01, 2005 effective fromJanuary 01, 2005. The employee received the incremented amount in April.The company delays the payment of social security contributions of Aprilto the social security office. Therefore, the company has to pay twopercent surcharge for April. The report considers the period in whichthe employee received the increment, to compute the surcharge. The report computes surcharge on delayed payments in the followingmanner: April - Two percent surcharge on the contributions for April and twopercent surcharge on the delta increment received for January, Februaryand March, as this increment was paid in April March - No surcharge February - No surcharge January - No surcharge In the above example, the employee received the increment in Aprilthough effective from January. Therefore, the report does not computethe surcharges for January, February and March. Note
- For the purpose of the surcharge calculation, the report disregards any
fraction of a month that is less than or equal to 15 days, and considersthe fractions that are in excess of 15 days, as one month.
- For file download option: The file name entered as parameter in
selection screen is appended by Account No. + '_' + Branch No + '.DSK'(extension).