SAP Program HTHCAWS0 - Bonus (AWS) Calculation

Using this program you can calculate AWS for employee (also for Ex-employee) based on Basic pay or Average of basic pay from payrollresult.

Maintain Infotype 0008, 0007 & 0001 in case selection criteria isBasic salary on certain day.
Evaluation Class 10 to be maintained for all Wagetypes which constitutein Base salary for AWS calculation prior to AWS run.
In case selection criteria is Average of Basic pay, average Wagetypeneed to be populated in payroll cluster prior to AWS run.
Payment Wagetype should be eligible for infotype 0015/0267 or both.

  • Personnel number: One or group of personal can be used to calculate AWS
  • Bonus.
    • Payroll Area: Additional condition can be activate by choosen
    • Further selections
      • It is also possible to make limited selection using Matchcodes

      • AWS account period generally be calender year.

      • Base salary can be either Basic pay on certain day or Average of basic
      • salary from payroll result.
        • Factor to calculate AWS: it is a number with unit.

        • To choose an unit, you can use 'F4'
          Note:In case of 'M': Basic salary for daily/Hourly employee iscalculate between 1st and Last day of month defined in 'Date of BasicSalary'.
          • Payment Wage type: Using this wagetype records for calculated AWS

          • will be created in infotype IT0015/IT0267 or both.
            • AWS can be paid in Multi payroll periods using both regular payroll run
            • or Offcycle payroll run.
              • Batch input/queue will not be generated in test-mode.

              • Flag to run report in Test-mode.

                • additional information for terminated employees

                • AWS for employees who terminated during AWS period. For them you shouldspecify a new factor, in addition, you can specify whethere you want topay AWS for terminated employee whose
                  * Termination before the probation period;
                  * Termination because of dismissal
                  (Please set up the termination event and dismissal reason in user
                  enhancement XAWS0001 using transaction cmod)
                  If you don't want to pay terminated employee AWS in general, you canstill specify whethere you want to pay AWS for employees who terminatedon the last day of the AWS period. New factor must be setup for it.
                  • Proration rules

                  • general rule:
                    * proration by number of month: additional part-month rounding rule
                    must be specified. You can also add your own rules here.
                    * proration by working days: you can specify absence types
                    excluded by the working day counting.
                    * proration by calendardays.
                    rules about probation:
                    * AWS beginning from
                    hire date;
                    confirmation date.
                    * if probation period has not completed by AWS period:
                    no AWS calculated now;
                    AWS calculated and paid as usual;
                    AWS calculated, but paid upon confirmation.
                    • You can also do adjustment on the calculated AWS by

                    • specifying a high limit;
                      (if you don't want to pay employee more than $xxxx)
                      specifying a low limit;
                      (if you like to pay employee at least $xxxx)
                      specifying a fix amount;
                      (no calculation, no proration)
                      specifying a factor of actual payment.
                      • In addition, if the selection fields 'Race / Religion' is active

                      • (setting 'invisible' to '0' and 'noinput' to '
                        1' in user enhancement XAWS0001 using transaction cmod,
                        • the AWS calculation can be restricted to race and/or religion of
                        • employees.
                          There are F1-Help for all program parameters. Some of parameters needmore information as you see on selection screen. In those cases, moreselection parameters will be ready for input after press push buttom.
                          It is possible to put your own prorating rules in user enhancementXAWS0001 so that you can select user defined prorating rules inthe selection screen (F4 Help).
                          It is possible for customer to modify AWS amount or write customerspecific formula to calculate AWS amount using user-exit provided forcustomer. Customer need to use SAP enhancement XAWS0001 tomodify component 'EXIT_RPCAWSX0_004' using transaction 'cmod'

                          The program creates a batch input folder for Infotype 0015/0267 orboth, if 'test on' is switched off. Depend on Payment term AWS will bepaid separately or togather with Payroll.
                          Protocol in detail to check the AWS calculation is always created. Anerror list will be created if applicable.