SAP Program HR_SYNC_PERSON - Synchronize Employees - Business Partners

This report generates business partners of the Employee role fromHR master data. This is necessary if the HR module and otherapplications such as cProject Suite 3.10 or SEM-CPM run in onesystem. For more information, see SAP Note 741501. Valid data iswritten to the relevant business partner only when you run this report.You are recommended to schedule this report as a regularjob so that employee data that is only valid in the future issynchronized with the appropriate business partners.

To enable a business partner to be created from an HR Employee in theEmployee role, the following infotypes must have been maintainedwhen you run the report.

  • Infotype 0000

  • Infotype 0001

  • Infotype 0002

  • Infotype 0006 with subtype 1
  • Selection

    • Employees: enables you to select individual employees.

    • All Employees of Organizational Unit(s): enables you to
    • select all employeesassigned to one or more organizational units.
      • Changes Since: this selection is for productive use. All existing
      • employees are synchronized. If no errors occur, the current dateis saved internally. The next time the report is called, only data thathas been changed or saved since the last time the report wasrun is synchronized. Thisensures that data is not processed unnecessarily for a second timeand therebysafeguards performance.

        The report generates an ALV list of any errors that occurred duringsynchronization. If the employees have been sychronized correctly, asuccess (S) message is displayed in the ALV list.

981269HR_SYNC_PERSON: BP number range differs from HRALX switches
936782HR_SYNC_PERSON: Updating an e-mail address
895139HR_SYNC_PERSON: BAdI for data conversion
741501Cross-application use of HR data