SAP Program HPHRSBR0 - Report to print the receipt numbers.

Display Reciept numbers and issue date. (HPHRSBR0)

This function displays the Special Bank Receipt for social security(SS)Official Receipt for Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF),PhilHealth Reciept and their issue dates for the employees selected.


  • Payroll results should exist for the employee along with the
  • contribution details.
    • The database must be updated with the receipt details with the help of
    • the 'HPHRUSBR0' utility report.

      This report retrieves the overview of the receipt numbers and the datesissued on. This is used for the purpose of the employer and employee'sreference.

      You can restrict the employees selected by entering an individual orrange of:

      • Personnel Number

      • Dates for the receipts issued

      • Enter the user parameters:
        • Company grouping of social security, HDMF or philhealth
        • Output
          The details of all the receipt numbers along with the date's issued aredisplayed.