SAP Program HNZULVPAY - LVPAY Cluster Table Correction Report

This report identifies and corrects incorrect entries in Advanceleave reporting cluster table (LVPAY). This cluster table stores theleave payment data of New Zealand payroll cluster for all payrollperiods of the selected Personnel Number range.
The incorrect entries in Time Quotas deductions table (PTQUODED)can corrupt the entries in Advance leave reporting cluster table(LVPAY) during payroll run.

If the error in the Advance leave reporting cluster table (LVPAY)is due to incorrect entries in Time Quotas deductions table(PTQUODED), then you should run the Report to List InconsistentAbsence Quota Data (HNZUPTQ0) and correct those entries beforeexecuting this report.

On the output screen, the system displays the payroll period in whichthe corrupt record exists.
You have the option Download to ZLVPAY table, to download thecorrected LVPAY records formed during test update. This option is validonly if you select Test update on the selection screen.

On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Asia/Pacific -> New Zealand -> Subsequent Activities-> Tools -> Correct LVPAY entries.
The Report to Update LVPAY Cluster Table screen appears.
Under Selection, enter the employee selection criteria
Download to XL file
To create a backup of corrupted record, select Download old LVPAYindicator. Browse and select the file that stores the corrupted record.When you execute this program, the system creates a backup of thecorrupted record.
To save the corrected record of the payroll period displayed on theoutput screen, select Download modified LVPAY indicator.
Execution mode
Test Update - To run this report in simulation, select thisoption. In this case, the system does not export the corrected LVPAYrecords of the payroll periods to the Advance leave reportingcluster table (LVPAY)
Update - To export the corrected LVPAY records of the payrollperiods to the Advance leave reporting cluster table (LVPAY)directly, select this option.
To execute the report select Program -> Execute.
We recommend that you perform test update before the actual update. Whenyou perform test update, the system updates the data in a physical tableand not the Advance leave reporting cluster table (LVPAY). Thisgives you the option of verifying the data before you perform the actualupdate.