Title Absences Rebooking Report Purpose This report opens and saves the Absences> Infotype (2001) recordsin order to transfer the leave entitlement/deduction to the relevantAbsences Quotas> Infotype (2006) record. The original Payroll Statu>s Infotype (0003) record is copied andthen restored after the batch processing is completed, to avoidretrospective accounting when running the next payroll.Input
- Personnel number>
Allows you to restrict selections based on this field.
- Neglect employees terminated before>
Allows you to leave out those employees from the batch update, who havebeen terminated before this date. If there are multiple terminationsfor an employee, then the latest termination date is taken intoconsideration.
- Quota type>
Determines which annual leave absence is valid for the batch update.