SAP Program HMXTVAC0 - Settlement of Vacation Quotas

This report generates a list of leave quotas to be paid, which can beused to settle these quotas by employee, by updating the data on thethe time quota compensation infotype (0416).
As well as the standard selection options, the reports allows thefollowing information to be entered:

  • Quota comp. type: The subtypes of infotype 0416 that are to be settled
  • can be entered in these fields.
    • Settle quotas: The radio buttons in this frame can be used to idicate
    • the quotas that are to be setted, that is, settle quotas with an enddate within the period selected in the selection screen (#Due only#),or settle all existing quotas (#All#).
      • Settlement type: The radio buttons in this frame can be used to
      • indicate how the quotas are to be settled: Only the period included inthe period specified in the selection screen (#Partialities#), allquotas (#Complete quotas#), or the specified percentage (#Percentage#).
        It should be noted that the data supplied by this report will be varyaccording to the combination of radio buttons selected.
        this report can also be executed in test mode.

        Before triggering this report, there should be a record of the Absencequotas infotype (2006) for the selected personnel number and period.

        The list generated by this report includes the following information,by personnel number:

        • Validity start and end dates: These dates indicate the validity of the
        • corresponding quota.
          • Leave owed and leave taken are extracted from infotype 2006.

          • Days to be settled and remaining days: The report calculates this
          • data.
            Subtotals are entered for each selected quota, and at the total isentered at the end of the list.
            If one or more personnel numbers are selected and the Update key isactivated, the corresponding quota for the number or numbers selectedis settled, and, through a batch input, infotype 0416 updated.

            Personnel number: 32501, Infotype 2006 data: Validity: 01.06.1999 to31.12.1999, Entitlement: 6 días
            Personnel number: 32021, Infotype 2006 data: Validity: 14.11.1999 to14.11.2000, Entitlement: 6 days
            You want to settle holiday quotas for the period between 01.01.1999 and01.01.2000.

            • If you select the #Due only# button, the list generated by this report
            • will only display the quotas for personnel number 32501.
              • If you select the #All# button, the list generated will display the
              • quotas for both personnel numbers.
                • If you select the #Due only# and #Partialities# buttons, the list
                • generated will only display the quotas for personnel number 32501, andsettle 3.52 days.
                  • If the #Due only# and #Complete quotas# buttons are selected, the list
                  • generated will only diplay the quotas for personnel no. 32501, and 6days will be settled.
                    • If the buttons #All# and #Partialities# are selected, the list
                    • generated will display the quotas for both personnel nos. 3,52 dayswill be settled for personnel no. 32501, and 0.79 days will be settledfor personnel no. 3201 (this employee only worked 48 days in 1999).
                      • If the #All quotas# and #Due only# buttons are selected, the list
                      • generated will display the quotas for both employee numbers and settle6 days for both quotas.