SAP Program HMXTRTR0 - Annual percentage calculation of industrial risk contribution

This report calculates the annual contribution percentage due to labourrisk, taking the year for which the information is to be processed asthe calculation base for the following year. The corresponding day andmonth are extracted from the IMSS Labour Risk table (T7MX20).
In order to run the report you can specify the following as well as theSAP standard selection criteria:

  • Year for which the information is to be processed,

  • Report format,

  • Processing type.
  • Output
    The listing generated by this report can be edited in preliminary orofficial format:
    Preliminary format:
    In this case, the screen is divided into four sections.
    In the top left-hand part, the title of the report is displayed alongwith the year for which the calculation was made.
    In the bottom left-hand part, the employer registrations for which thecalculation was requested drop down. This section also shows informationfor each employer registration, such as:
    - Personnel area and subarea the employer registration is assigned to.
    - Company name the employer registration is assigned to.
    - Address,
    - Economic activity,
    - Risk class the company is classified in,
    - Fraction number the company is classified in,
    - Employee number assigned to the legal representative of the company,
    - Name of the legal representative of the company,
    - Degree of risk the company is classified in, based on its accidentrate.
    The top right-hand part displays a box with general calculation data foreach employer registration selected, such as:
    - Previous premium,
    - Calculated premium,
    - Current premium,
    - Number of labour risk cases recorded during the year,
    - Subsidised days due to temporary incapacity,
    - Sum of percentages of permanent, partial and total incapacities,
    - Number of deaths,
    - Number of workers exposed to the risk.
    The bottom right-hand part shows a list detailling the records ofworkers who were incapacitated due to labour risk. In the event ofdeaths, two additional columns will drop down, one indicating that therecord contains a death and the other with the date the employee leftthe company (due to said death) found in the Actions infotype (0000).
    Official format:
    This is done using a SAPScript form.
    Generating a direct batch input:
    The batch input generated by this report is direct, i.e. the labour risktable is modified immediately.
    If this report is run in test mode and all the data needed to generate abatch input are also specified, the batch input can be generated fromthe list generated.
    There is also the option of displaying a list with the errors andwarnings generated when processing the report.
    Wage types used by this report:
    Labour risk contribution days (/315): This is used to obtain thedays on which the worker was making labour risk contributions to thesocial insurance administration.
    Additional details:
    The number of days in the year for labour risk is obtained from theRDIAN payroll constant. To display and/or modify this value, seethe implementation guide in the section Payroll Mexico -> SocialInsurance -> Labour risk ->Check payroll constants for labour risk.This constant is used to obtain the average number of workers exposed tothe risk.


    • Year for information processing = 2001

    • Start date for labour risk table = 01/03/2001.

    • End date for labour risk table = 28/02/2002.

    • Start date (new premium) = 01/03/2002.

    • End date (new premium) = 28/02/2003.

499485SAPServe transport because of annual processes
499100sapserv for corrections of "procesos anuales"